Press Review from 22/04/08 to the 24/04/08
FDA approves UCB's Cimzia
(Les Echos online – April 24, 2008)
FDA has approved the marketing of Cimzia (certolizumab), a drug developed by UCB for the treatment of Crohn's disease. The medicine has already been sold in Switzerland since the beginning of 2008. The share of UCB rose by 23.05%.
Signed decree on LEA
(Corriere della Sera: page 24, Il Messaggero: page 11 – 24 April 2008)
The Minister of Health Livia Turco, after the agreement in the State-Regions conference, signed the decree on the LEA. This lengthens the list of treatments reimbursed to citizens by the State. The new list includes home care especially for the terminally ill, pain therapies and chronic diseases. The main innovations concern the promotion of epidural anesthesia during labor and natural birth and the inclusion of the neonatal diagnosis of congenital deafness and congenital cataract. Treatment and diagnosis for another 100 rare diseases will also be guaranteed.
"Eurospital: profit exceeds 2 million euros"
(Free market: page 14 – 24 April 2008)
Eurospital, company at