Lazio: Eures promotes Healthcare and Hospitals
(Il Messaggero Rome: page 35 – 20 December 2007)
According to the data released by Eures, thanks to an analysis commissioned by Luigi Canali, President of the Regional Health Commission, on public services in Lazio, the highest percentage of satisfied users (scores equal to or greater than 6) go to hospitals (77, 9%), followed by university (77,4%) and school (76%).
"Genetic testing. Advice from the FDA"
(Nòva 24: page 3 – 20 December 2007)
Genetic tests are at the center of many controversies because their use is sometimes not scientifically justified. However, there are cases in which they can make the difference between a non-selective treatment and a personalized one. In the oncological field, several biological drugs, including trastuzumab, cetuximab, gefinitib and erlotinib are prescribed only after genetic tests have given the desired result. Now also for carbamazepine, the FDA has obtained that a warning be added to the packs so that those who intend to take it check the status of the Hlab1502 gene which, if mutated, can cause even fatal allergic reactions.
UK: AstraZeneca sells directly to pharmacies
(The Financial Times online - December 20, 2007)
AstraZeneca has announced that, from February 2008, it will sell its medicines directly to pharmacies in the UK. This will be done through the service of just two wholesalers, AAH and UniChem, similar to the 'direct to pharmacy' strategy adopted by Pfizer last spring. In this way AstraZeneca expects to be able to control the discounts to be applied to pharmacists on its medicines.
"The anti-tumor microchip revolution made in the USA"
(la Repubblica: page 20 – 20 December 2007)
A revolutionary nanotech application has been developed at the Boston General Hospital which, with a few drops of blood, is able to identify the rare cancer cells that manage to infiltrate blood vessels. In particular, an antibody that covers the microchips attracts the tumor cells and hooks them, while a "camera" assembles their characteristics, allowing their identification among all the blood components.
Treatment without borders
(la Repubblica: page 22, Les Echos online – 19 December 2007)
The European Commission today addresses the text of the Directive which guarantees health without borders within the EU Member States. Among the most significant innovations: it will be a right to be treated abroad and to have reimbursement of expenses incurred from one's own country, if better levels of treatment are guaranteed there, shorter waiting lists or if there are specialized centres; the recipes will also be 'European' and must bear the name of the active ingredient recognizable in all EU countries. This provision will have to receive the approval of the European Parliament.
Cell Therapeutics: Xyotax AIC Speed Drives Stock Up
(Bloomberg Finance &