Those who say no to drugs: what the Hamer method provides

According to the German theorist "the disease is a psychic fact" and can not be treated with drugs. This alternative medicine was developed by Hamer, after the death of his son Dirk, killed in 1978 by a shot from Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia's carbine.


Once upon a time there were many followers of the New German Medicine (NMG), now repentant. Or at least officially. Of all the associations that on the web profess the effectiveness of NMG, an alternative medicine according to which diseases are the consequence of a psychic conflict and cannot be treated with drugs, the vast majority today distance themselves. Especially after the death of 18-year-old Eleonora Bottaro, due to leukemia for which there are real and effective therapies, which can lead to remission. Eleonora and her parents have decided to refuse the treatments prescribed by doctors and rely on NMG, theorized by the former German doctor Rike Geerd Hamer.

IL CASO – Died at 18 refusing chemo, father deserts the funeral (Zancan)

OPINIONI – Too many cancer patients choose new treatments (Tognotti)

«None of our operators is connected to the case of this girl», Fabrizio Camilletti immediately points out, «former follower» of Hamer and today president of the Academy of emotional biological medicine. "We don't tell patients to abandon official care, but we propose an integrative therapeutic approach that works on an emotional level," he adds. Also distancing himself is the psychiatrist Danilo Toneguzzi, once president of the «scientific committee» of the ALBA association, among the first to profess the principles of NMG in Italy. "I haven't been a member of the association for years now," he says. The ALBA association itself seems to no longer exist. The fact is that there would be dozens of Italian victims of the NMG ascertained. And a few hundred those around the world.

This alternative medicine was developed by Hamer, after the death of his son Dirk, killed in 1978 by a shot from Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia's carbine. The following year, Hamer was stricken with testicular cancer which, after recovering, he attributed to the shock caused by the premature death of his son. His NMG is called so because it represents, according to Hamer, a "Germanic" alternative to official clinical medicine, which would be part of a Jewish conspiracy to decimate non-Jews. In 1986 a German court revoked Hamer's license to practice medicine, with a ruling reconfirmed in 2003.

Il «metodo Hamer» si basa su 5 affermazioni principali, definite «leggi della biologia»: ogni malattia è causata da un conflitto; se c’è una risoluzione del conflitto, ogni malattia procede in due fasi, una con conflitto attivo e una di guarigione; esiste una correlazione tra psiche, cervello e organo malato dal punto di vista evoluzionistico; i microbi hanno un ruolo nell’evoluzione e sono in relazione con i tre foglietti embrionali da cui hanno origine gli organi; ogni malattia deve essere intesa come «programma biologico speciale della natura», creato per risolvere un conflitto biologico inatteso. Per lui, quindi, ogni malattia è causata da un conflitto di tipo psichico, e la guarigione di qualsiasi malattia passa attraverso la risoluzione di quel conflitto. «Dal punto di vista scientifico, le leggi della biologia di Hamer – si legge sul sito dell’Airc – non sono altro che invenzioni, in contrasto con quello che è noto e dimostrato sulla fisiologia umana».

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