Tighten on medicines in Puglia, the goal is a saving of almost 8 million
Healthcare: new cost containment measures for proton pump inhibitor drugs.
statoquotidiano – 31 July 2023
The Giunta has adopted further measures aimed at containing the agreed pharmaceutical expenditure, with particular reference to Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) drugs.
It has been established that, for this purpose, prescribing physicians, in cases where treatment with PPI drugs exceeding 14 days is indicated, without prejudice to compliance with the therapeutic indications authorized in the technical data sheets of the individual drugs and the limitations on reimbursement under the NHS, they prefer the use of PPI drug packaging with 28 dosage units instead of those with 14 units, in the context of prescriptions made on SSN prescription (dematerialized or paper) to be dispensed in the channel of the affiliated pharmacy.
The General Managers of the ASLs, through the District Offices and the company Pharmaceutical Services, will urgently activate audits with the GPs aimed at quickly and correctly implementing the provisions issued with the provision.
The Giunta has adopted further measures to contain the pharmaceutical expenditure under the agreement, with particular reference to the increase in the direct distribution of the first cycle of therapy upon discharge from hospitalization and following a specialist visit, as well as the direct distribution for those assisted in home, residential and semi-residential care.
A regional Handbook of the First Therapeutic Cycle has been adopted, which represents the list of active ingredients with the greatest impact on expenditure approved pharmaceuticals, towards which it is necessary to mainly direct the direct distribution of both drugs for the first cycle of therapy by the public companies of the SSR and drugs for patients in ADI/RSA/RSSA by the ASL. The possible savings on regional pharmaceutical expenditure that can be achieved by implementing the provisions of the provision can be quantified as approximately 7.8 million euros on an annual basis.
Sempre in ambito sanitario, la Regione ha poi approvato i criteri per l’assegnazione alle Asl del fondo da 5 milioni di Euro per sostenere i cittadini affetti da autismo.
Infine, la Giunta ha approvato gli indirizzi operativi per il contributo al Test prenatale non invasivo (NIPT), con la ripartizione delle risorse alle ASL, a disposizione 300mila euro annui.
Related news: Fimmg Apulia. The mere accountancy view of pharmaceutical expenditure damages the health of citizens