FIMMG with the majority of doctors ready for a sit-in
Governor Michele Emiliano's extreme attempt to mend the rift with the doctors and avoid Friday's protest did not have the desired effects. Yesterday yet another question and answer was staged, also to the sound of press releases, between the president of the Region and the union representatives.
The day opened with a meeting that took place in via Gentile, in the department, convened by Emiliano himself, but to which only a part of the trade unions responded, some of which had pulled out of the protest right from the start and had not agreed to the demonstration on November 10th. A few hours after the face-to-face, the largest "slice" of Apulian doctors replied through an official note not only confirming the strike, but also announcing a press conference to explain the reasons for their discontent to the Apulians.
The latter document bears the signatures of the Orders of Doctors and of the Aaroi, Anaao, Visiting and Accredited Branches, Cimo, Cimop, Cisl Medici, Fassid, Fesmed, Smi, Fimmg, Sumai and Uil Medici. Basically, the majority of the medical category remained firm on their positions, deserting the meeting called by Emiliano to discuss some problems: from the containment of pharmaceutical expenditure to the safety of doctors, passing through the chronic shortage of staff up to the general organization of services with a view to an ever greater integration between the territory and the hospital.
All "hot" topics but on which there is still a strong distance between the Emiliano council and the doctors. Also on the agenda is the council resolution which gives specialist doctors the possibility of being able to prescribe on the red prescription.
Fonte Nuovo Quotidiano di Puglia
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