The "states general" of the health professions are taking off: the ad hoc table, similar to the one set up in Justice by Minister Alfano, took office yesterday in the Ministry of Health. Eight categories were summoned by Ferruccio Fazio: the Orders of doctors, dentists, veterinarians, pharmacists and psychologists plus the Colleges of nurses, midwives and health technicians of medical radiology. An army of 925,000 professionals, in addition to the over 2 million supervised by Alfano.
The objective is clear: to finalize a shared document before joining the general process of reforming the professions. To bring out the specificities of the healthcare area on four topics: training and certification, tariffs, advertising and professional companies. "It was a positive meeting", comments the president of the Federation of Doctors and Dentists, Amedeo Bianco. «We share the need for more modern Orders, which know how to promote the quality and ethics of services. But the construction sites already open must remain standing ».
The allusion is to Legislative Decree 1142, being examined by the Senate, which provides for the creation of five new Orders (nurses, midwives, medical radiology technicians, rehabilitation operators, health and prevention technicians). A provision in which the oldest Orders want to be included, in order to modernize: doctors, pharmacists, veterinarians and dentists. Dentists, in particular, claim autonomy from doctors. "Thus the path started with the law 409/1985 would end", explains Giuseppe Renzo, president of the dentistry commission.
Ddl aside, what the "states general" intend to reiterate is - says Annalisa Silvestro, president of the Ipasvi Colleges, 400,000 registered nurses - "the specificity of the health area, which makes it essential to guarantee it Orders that monitor training and ethics". Explicit Andrea Mandelli, head of the Federation of Pharmacists' Orders: «Our activity is distinct from that of a company and cannot respond solely to the logic of the market».
According to the professionals, minimum rates (better, for Bianco, to call them "costs of services" to highlight that below that threshold the quality of the service), regulated advertising and training anchored to needs, go in this direction. A point dear to psychologists, in plethora alarm: the president of the Order, Giuseppe Palma, the only one present at both the Justice and Health tables, invokes the programmed number.
The News of the Sole 24 Ore – 22/04/2010
The health professions and auxiliary arts recognized by the Ministry of Health are as follows:
Health care professions: Surgeon, Pharmacist, Odontologist, Veterinarian, Psychologist (since 2008).
Nursing health professions and prof. Obstetric healthcare; Nurse, Pediatric Nurse, Obstetrician.
Rehabilitative Health Professions: Podiatrist, Physiotherapist, Speech Therapist, Orthoptist, Developmental Neuro and Psychomotor Therapist, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technician, Occupational Therapist, Professional Educator.
Health Technician Professions Technical-Diagnostic Area: Audiometrist Technician, Biomedical Laboratory Health Technician, Medical Radiology Health Technician, Neurophysiopathology Technician.