
Industrial production in January 2019. Pharmaceuticals production -10.5%

In January 2019, the seasonally adjusted index of industrial production is estimated to increase by 1.7% compared to December. On average for the November-January quarter, the seasonally adjusted level of production decreased by 1.8% compared to the previous three months.

The seasonally adjusted monthly index shows widespread economic increases in all sectors; energy increased markedly (+6.4%) and, with a less accentuated trend, also consumer goods (+2.4%), intermediate goods (+1.0%) and capital goods (+0. 3%).

Adjusted for calendar effects, in January 2019 the index decreased in trend terms by 0.8% (there were 22 working days, as in January 2018).

In January 2019, the indices corrected for calendar effects recorded a marked trend increase for energy (+11.7%); on the other hand, intermediate goods decreased (-3.3%), consumer goods (-2.7%) and, to a lesser extent, capital goods (-1.7%).

The sectors of economic activity that recorded the most significant positive trend changes are the supply of electricity, gas, steam and air (+14.8%), the manufacture of computers, electronic and optical products, electromedical equipment, measuring and watches (+4.4%) and the manufacture of electrical appliances and non-electrical household appliances (+2.2%). The largest decreases are recorded in production of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations (-10.5%), in metallurgy and metal products excluding machinery and plants (-8.8%) and in mining (-4.6%).

ISTAT – 8 March 2019

Full text and methodological note

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