Although Swiss pharmaceutical production is the first in Europe, with a turnover of over 46 billion euros in 2018, Italy is the largest pharmaceutical producer in the EU, with a turnover of 32 billion euros in 2018, surpassing Germany, according to estimates by the Farmindustria association.
In the last five years, thanks to a growth in Italian production of + 20%, there has been a strong development of exports. From 1997 to 2018, they went from 4.5 to 26 billion euros.
In the first half of 2019 there were important positive contributions to the growth of Italian pharmaceutical exports; in particular, the leading markets for Italian drug sales are Switzerland, Germany and France.
Switzerland recorded a +13.7% trend in euro, bringing the annual cumulative to over 2.7 billion euro, thanks above all to the performance of the industries of the Lombardy and Campania regions
(ExportPlanning -MarketBarometer). (ICE BERN – Neue Zurcher Zeitung)
Economic Tribune – 28 August 2019
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