
Catania. Trial for slander of the former president of the Order of Doctors: hearing postponed. He had defended 937 doctors accused of overprescribing osteoporosis drugs

He had criticized the verification procedures carried out by the Asp against 937 doctors in the province for alleged over-prescriptions of drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis“

Catania Today – 5 November 2019

The Court of Catania has referred the trial of the former to a monocratic section president of the Order of Doctors of Catania, Massimo Buscema, for slander against the former medical director of the provincial health agency of the Etna capital Franco Luca.

At the heart of the proceeding, which has been adjourned to November 12 for the assignment of the file, are some statements on the verification procedures carried out by the ASP against 937 doctors in the province for alleged over-prescription of drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis. For Buscema's lawyers, prof. Giovanni Grasso and the lawyer Mario Brancato, their client needed to safeguard the position of almost a thousand general practitioners of the Catania Order and the privacy of their patients

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