Historical Archive

Farmafraffa trial, 77 prescriptions. The Court of Appeal revokes the provisions

This closes the second-degree trial for the alleged 20 million euro scam against the National Health Service

by Redaction – 12 February 2013 – BariToday

Farmatruffa trial: 77 prescriptions and one acquittal, provisional annulled

77 prescriptions, an acquittal and the revocation of all sentences for the payment of provisional payments. That's how it ends the second degree process relating to the "farmafraffa", which sees 81 people charged with the accusation of having carried out an alleged fraud of 20 million euros to the National Health Service.

PRESCRIPTIONS AND ABSOLUTION - In the sentence issued yesterday the judges of the Court of Appeal declared no place to proceed due to the statute of limitations of the crimes against 77 of the 81 defendants, accused in various capacities of criminal association, fraud, corruption, forgery, money laundering and purchase of things of suspicious origin. Between the first and second instance of judgment are two other defendants dead. The Court acquitted Giuseppe De Novellis "for not having committed the crime"., one of the two defendants against whom the crimes have not yet been extinguished by statute of limitations. For the other, the Conversano doctor Michele Salso, believed to be the mastermind of the whole scam, will have to redo the first instance process. The judges, in fact, declared "the nullity of the notification of the decree ordering the judgment",

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