Stop prescriptions left in studios and pharmacies: the campaign of controls by the Finance is underway
Publication date : 27/10/2014 – News Fimmg
In October, at the request of the National Privacy Guarantor, the Guardia di Finanza increased controls and imposed a squeeze on family doctors and paediatricians, who are increasingly required to pay attention to the management of sensitive data on their patients.
Under penalty of even very high fines, up to 50 thousand euros.
Some family doctors have already taken countermeasures: in future, prescription requests and filled out prescriptions can only be delivered and collected on specific days and times, and only in the hands of the doctor himself or his secretary.
So goodbye to the old filing cabinet where everyone's papers ended up.
On the one hand, the convenience of jumping the queue to quickly complete the procedure at any time of day will be greatly reduced. On the other hand there will certainly be more respect for everyone's privacy.
Fimmg has issued some suggestions to its associates to avoid unexpected events at the time of the Finance Police checks.
Fimmg then asked the medical practices to visibly post the sign informing visitors about the protection of personal data. "In the first half of 2014 - he wrote - by inspecting various health facilities of doctors and paediatricians, the yellow flames inflicted fines of around 2 million euros and sent 24 reports to the judicial authorities".
Source Il Secolo XIX