Venerdì, 31 Ottobre 2014, – Doctor33
In one case, the doctor would have left the prescriptions delivered to the pharmacy and here, in addition to configuring a possible economic relationship between the two professionals, we enter the field of data communication to a non-entitled person, an act that could also be relevant in terms of deontological, and that the Privacy Code of 2003 sanctioned with fines of several tens of thousands of euro.
Paola Ferrari lawyer, active for years in the defense of family doctors, has prepared a handbook (L’importanza del trattamento dati nello studio del mmg) con Frequently Asked Questions e suggerimenti legge alla mano. «L’omissione delle misure di sicurezza è uno dei motivi per cui la visita della GdF può creare problemi
L’altro frequente motivo di sanzione –osserva Ferrari – è la mancata affissione del cartello con l’informativa prevista dall’art. 13 del codice. Infine, ci sono l’abbandono di documentazione in luoghi visibili e la poca riservatezza delle conversazioni».
In general, the GdF visit, continues Ferrari, "is aimed at verifying that patients know who is processing their data and that the study collaborators "in charge" of managing this data have letters of appointment and if the doctor has taken care of give specific indications of security and non-usability of the data managed by external companies that provide cloud services".
To go back to issuing prescriptions, they must be delivered to the patient concerned or to a person in charge with a proxy. Article 31 of the Code in fact requires the protection of sensitive data from loss and unauthorized access. Enabling anyone to take an envelope that is not theirs, even if only for distraction, is a violation".
Any other rules to follow? «Soundproof the rooms, to prevent someone from listening to health information deriving from the doctor conversation from the waiting room. In particular, it is essential that the staff know that they must never communicate pathologies or information, even by telephone, to people other than the patient who has the right to the confidentiality of his information".
Mauro Miserendino
Related news: Privacy and prescriptions, doctors in the crosshairs
Information to pharmacists of medicines that can be sold on presentation of a medical prescription is limited to the information contained in the summary of the characteristics of the medicine. The limitation does not apply to hospital pharmacists.
It is therefore excluded that a patient or in any case a person who is not a healthcare professional can assist and listen to what a Scientific Representative says in the performance of his work.
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a) orders the immediate cessation or suspension of the promotional information;
b) ordina la diffusione, a spese del trasgressore, di un comunicato di rettifica e di precisazione, la cui redazione sarà curata secondo le modalità stabilite dall’AIFA. Tale comunicato potrà essere inserito a cura dell’AIFA sul Bollettino di informazione sui farmaci e sul sito internet istituzionale della medesima e, a cura e a spese dell’Azienda, sul sito internet di quest’ultima o anche su quotidiani a tiratura nazionale.