The first will be held on 9 May in Verona, at the Ospedale Civile Maggiore ISDB Italy Forum (International Society of Drugs Bulletin). "The aim of the meeting - declared the organizers - is to bring to light some of the problems relating to information and updates on medicines in the Italian context to discuss the proposals and paths that should promote independent information on medicines" .The International Society of Independent Drug Information Bulletins (ISDB) is a worldwide network of 78 journals and publications that collect and disseminate medical literature on drug treatments and therapeutics. The Company is both financially and intellectually independent of the pharmaceutical industry. ISDB's goals are to encourage and promote the rational use of medicines, assist and support independent medicine bulletins worldwide by facilitating cooperation and promoting joint initiatives. To be a member of the ISDB it is necessary to respect the founding principles of the association, which include economic and intellectual independence from funding from pharmaceutical companies and the support of a policy of no conflict of interest.
Source "DoctorNews"