Doctors' orders Milan And Bologna they appeal to the Tar against the new code of ethics, approved by the National Federation of Orders at the end of May in Turin with about ten votes against. Two more orders will follow within a few days. The appeal had been hypothesized by the president of the Order of Milan Roberto Carlo Rossi, "in Milan I understand it was filed in recent days, while in Bologna we will see how it will be filed today, 23 July", explains the President of Omceo Bologna Giancarlo Pizza. "Two more orders, Power And Ferrara, quickly announced a similar measure», continues Pizza. «The appeal to the administrative judges was necessary, even if originally we had assumed to simply disapply the new code at the local level. The Fnomceo Central Committee, after the approval in the National Council in Turin, issued a note of direction and coordination: a technical term that implies imposition, so that the 106 provincial orders make it their own. Disapplying an "address note" would be problematic, and it was necessary to challenge the deed before the Tar". The appeal «was requested on the entire new code and not on specific articles: on the one hand, the text contains a final provision which obliges the OMCEO to adopt the code en bloc, on the other hand, the entire document has muddled contents, with multiple obscure points. From our point of view, article 3 is especially serious, which makes the doctor subject to the organizational changes ordered by the health companies, and the imposition on the doctor of the legal obligation to have insurance, with the result - underlines Pizza - that if a doctor is canceled by an insurance he can be referred and suspended from his order ".
Mauro Miserendino
Wednesday, July 23, 2014 – Doctor33