On the evening of Tuesday 27 June the first Assembly of the reborn AIISF Section of Salerno.
They attended the event AIISF National President Francesca Boni, the Legal Advisor of the Association Lawyer Carmen Agnello, the President of the Section AIISF of Naples Maria Rosaria Trotta and the Regional Fedaiisf Coordinator of Campania Maximilian Radano.
2023 it was a year of "retirement" for the reconstituted Section of Salerno and amidst many difficulties the Board managed to restart in the last period. But it sends out very strong signals of enthusiasm, ideas and the will to do well.
There President Anna Galluzzo underlines that "Unity is strength and with the recent events of strength there is a great need". Therefore a reminder to carefully consider the problems of the profession and the need to form a common front.
Section director it is made up of the Vice-President Silvio Giuliano, the Secretary Gabriella Guadagno, the Treasurer Giada Margarella and the Councilors Carmela Catarozzi, Rossella Spisso, Aldo Santese, Sergio Cosentino and Raffaele Rega.
The Board has been expanded and assigned numerous proxies. The focus is heavily on young and good-willed colleagues, but also and above all on young women: two powers of Junior Councilor have been conferred on Camilla, daughter of Giada Margarella, and Francesca, daughter of Anna Sorrentino, but don't think about recommendations.
The creative ideas they don't stop there. With a good marketing school behind you can see a beautiful presentation that effectively summarizes the focal points of the section's objectives and program and the graphics were entrusted to a young and talented Maris.
Among the projects in the pipeline for the period September 2023 e June 2024 we find the BLSD courses, the construction of medical files, the attempt to give life to a regional event, but also theatrical performances and/or short films on work and the world of scientific information, social days based on clown-therapy for small patients in hospital wards and participation in an amateur competition for "ISF pizza makers" with prizes for the top 5 classified.
A rich and ambitious program where a lot is relied on voluntary contribution of the board and associates, on the shares of those who will anticipate the 2024 registration (since the 2023 fee will not be required) and also on donations and sponsorships.
Francesca Boni's comment, AIISF National President:
“I had the pleasure of participating in the first Assembly of the Salerno Section and found a large group of interested and curious colleagues regarding associative issues. There were two hours of constructive discussion and analysis of the topics that are closest to our hearts as Whistleblowers, not to mention the willingness to get involved on the part of many.
These are the right premises so that the Salerno Section can best represent the category's requests in the area and provide the national directive with practical useful indications and suggestions for all our sections.
If a good morning starts in the morning, I would say that Salerno got off to a really good start and I renew my congratulations to all my colleagues and the wish to be able to meet them again".
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December 13, 2022 - AIISF Section of Salerno. New board and new course of the Section