FIMMG study center
Responsible: Paolo Misericordia
General practitioners are satisfied with the personal relationship with the drug sales reps and with their professional training. This is what emerges from a survey carried out by the FIMMG Study Center on a sample of a thousand mmg and presented today in Milan, on the occasion of the National Conference "ISF 2014: How scientific drug information changes: state of the art and future prospects" , organized by Aboutpharma.
67% of the interviewees expressed a high satisfaction with the personal relationship with the scientific representatives and 85% a medium-high satisfaction with their professional preparation.
In recent years, however, the number of weekly visits that family doctors receive from informants has "markedly reduced" according to 73,7% of professionals. The 44% of GPs reports meeting an ISF less than 5 times a week.
The mode of information has remained essentially traditional. During drug presentations, tablets and PCs are used by the ISF "sometimes", as reported by 44.4 % of the doctors, and "rarely" by 25%. Half of the GPs (51.3%) happened to be contacted at times by drug companies for information/promotion activities, while 23% only rarely.
“The survey also highlights that general practitioners consider the concentration of high-cost drugs in hospitals and spending reviews among the aspects that will most condition the relationship between general practice and the ISF – explains Fiorenzo Corti, head of the communication from Fimmg, illustrating the survey data – The improvement of scientific objectivity, correctness and completeness of information are the aspects most requested by mmg”.
FIMMG press release – March 2014