While waiting for the technical table requested of the Minister of Health to clarify the controversial aspects of the new rules on drug prescriptions to be activated, Fimmg has drawn up a series of directions aimed at doctors to standardize behavior and "not create problems for citizens".
24 AUG – In a letter sent to all members, the national secretary of Fimmg, Giacomo Milillo, invites doctors to apply the directions elaborated by the Federation and disseminated on 10 August last.
The guidelines, explains Fimmg, also take into account the contacts made with Federfarma in order to standardize behavior so that it does not create problems for citizens. However, all of this will only be temporary. Because, Fimmg reiterates, the convening of a technical table at the Ministry of Health to clarify the controversial aspects of the law cannot be postponed.
Meanwhile, the invitation to doctors is to apply the guidelines released in recent days "except for the note - specifies Milillo - referring to the possibility of defining as a reason for non-substitutability, in the prescription of a commercial pharmaceutical product instead of the active ingredient, that 'related to the will of the assisted', while the abbreviations suggested for clinical reasons remain to which the abbreviation 'per LASA' acronym of Look-Alike/Sound-Alike can be added".
Here is the letter sent by Milillo to family doctors and guidelines developed by Fimmg
To all Fimmg Members
To the Fimmg Regional and Provincial General Secretaries
To the Fimmg Provincial and Regional Communication Managers
In consideration of the great media prominence determined by the mid-August application of the rule on the obligation to prescribe the active ingredient for certain conditions defined by law through the now famous paragraph 11bis art.15 of law 135/2012;
of the enormity of the proposal