At the basis of the amendments which propose making the prescription of medicines based on the active principle optional is the need to make «the law truly neutral, so that the power of choice between generic and branded medicines is fully in the hands of the citizen and not others". The Undersecretary for Economic Development explained it Claudius DeVincenti, regarding the ongoing debate on amendments to the development law that affect prescriptions for drug prescriptions. «The concern underlying the parliamentary amendments on pharmaceutical prescriptions» explains De Vincenti «is that the law passed in July is not neutral between generic drugs and branded drugs. The point is that the law, in fact, favors the generic, on which the profit margin for pharmacists is wider". The debate is now aimed at recomposing a "collegial position" in the government, evoked by Minister Balduzzi, with a hypothesis of reformulation of the amendments, on which De Vincenti clarifies: "The reformulation of the parliamentary amendments that the government will propose will go precisely in this direction, entrusting the choice entirely to the citizens". And on the outcome of the confrontation, the Undersecretary expresses optimism: "I am sure" he concludes "that we will find an agreement on this in Parliament".
November 20, 2012 – DoctorNews
De Vincenti, the power of choice belongs only to the citizens
"The concern underlying the parliamentary amendments on pharmaceutical prescriptions is that the regulation passed in July is not neutral between generic and branded drugs. The point is that the regulation, in fact, favors the generic, on which the profit margin for pharmacists is broader". This is what the Undersecretary for Economic Development Claudio De Vincenti affirms, regarding the ongoing debate on the amendments to the development law concerning medical prescriptions. "It is a question - continues De Vincenti - of making the law truly neutral, so that the power of choice between generic and branded drugs is fully in the hands of the citizen and not of others. The reformulation of the parliamentary amendments that the government will propose will in this direction, entrusting the choice entirely to the citizens". Finally, the undersecretary expresses optimism on the outcome of the confrontation: "I am sure - he concludes - that we will find agreement on this in Parliament"