RomaTutti say they want more productivity and flexibility and, in any case, that they want to ensure that Italian factories remain on their home soil. Easy in words, a little less in deeds as demonstrated by the vicissitudes of the chemists' contract signed yesterday. Prime Minister Mario Monti played the productivity card at the table with Fiat, including it among the reasons why Sergio Marchionne should decide to stay in Italy. Simplifying: Confindustria and the trade unions will agree on company agreements that will allow for derogations from the national contract and the company will be able to count, once the car's Annus horribilis has been overcome, on a more competitive country. The model, if Lingotto wanted go a little further than Fabbrica Italia, could be precisely that of the contract signed yesterday by Federchimica, Farmindustria (a bit of a paradox given that they are both associated with Confindustria, of which Fiat is not a part) and the trade unions of the sector Filctem-Cgil, Femca -Cisl, Uilcem-Uil. Agreement which provides for average increases of 148 euros, but also derogations from the national contract, including the part concerning wages, even if subject to the confirmation of tax relief. Translated, if a company is in difficulty, the workers' and employers' representatives sit around a table and can also remodulate the planned increases at national level, schedule different times and decide on other measures to keep the factory from closing down . At the same time, if it's particularly good time, they can agree on bigger raises. Decision in line with these times of crisis. "The signing of the new contract without an hour of strike, entirely oriented towards productivity, opens the season of renewals in the name of responsibility", commented the general secretary of the CISL Raffaele Bonanni. Too bad the CGIL doesn't agree. Alberto Morselli, secretary of the CGIL federation who signed the contract does not have the support of his confederation. The excommunication came yesterday through the mouth of the confederal secretary of the CGIL Vincenzo Scudiere, irritated because the terms of the agreement were partially anticipated by the press, but also because he did not like what he read. Those contents "are not shared in any case by our organization, because they do not respond to our approach or to the agreement of 28 June". Shortly after signing the contract Morselli resigned. Even in the last hours before the signing, trade union sources said yesterday, Corso d'Italia tried to block the agreement, judged too reckless. The new secretary of Filctem, Morselli's successor, could decide to withdraw his signature, making the left of the CGIL happy and also Camusso, who wants to play the game on productivity with Confindustria with his hands free. «The CGIL – explains the secretary of the Femca Cisl Sergio Gigli – is worried that a contract with innovative characteristics like this one will compromise a strategy. We think the opposite. We do not disagree with the confederations, but we are convinced that in this way we can work better starting from this agreement». Words that Marchionne would like. But not at the CGIL, which is the first union.
Antonio Signorini – Sun, 09/23/2012 – 07:03