by Editorial board – April 8, 2013 – Those who Pharmacy Magazine
Already decimated in recent years (in the last five years we are talking about over seven thousand jobs), the sector of medical-scientific informants is still in the eye of the storm, a sacrificial victim of the crisis which, for the main chemical-pharmaceutical multinationals, is also an opportunity and a driving force to proceed with profound organizational transformations. A newspaper correspondence Latin Today on Saturday 6 April he reports on the difficult situation affecting companies operating in the "pharmaceutical district" of the region, from Pomezia to Latina. The latest mobility procedure activated for 192 Pfizer informants in Aprilia adds to a long list: 110 redundancies declared for Bracco, 246 for Bristol Myers Squibb, 34 per Rottapharm, 35 per Pharmantis and Takeda, 41 layoffs announced by Janssen at the end of March. The "cuts" oninformation scientific of drug are on the agenda, first response from companies to deadlines patents, the need to contain costs, the reduction of