The reason for a Register of ISF

“Il consumo dei farmaci non è regolato dal criterio del piacere, ma da quello dell’utilità, mediata dalla classe medica, sicché i medici sono destinatari di una specifica forma di pubblicità che mira non già a reclamizzare astrattamente il prodotto decantandone le virtù o la piacevolezza visiva della confezione, ma ad informarli della natura e delle utilità farmaceutiche del prodotto, in quali ipotesi risulti indicato, in quali no ed in quali sia addirittura nocivo” (v. Cass. n. 25053 del 2006; v. anche v. Cass. no. 8844 of 2014 page 9, Court of Cassation no. 2349 of 2013; Cass. no. 5494 of 2013)"

La Suprema Corte afferma inoltre con la Sentenze 1783/2010 (sez. Penale) che “….a nessuno è consentito di anteporre la logica economica alla logica della tutela della salute, né di diramare direttive che nel rispetto della prima pongono in secondo piano le esigenze dell’ammalato”.e “non è agente di commercio l’informatore scientifico” (Cass. Sezione lavoro – sentence 15 September 2014 n. 19394).

L’AIFA (8/19/2002, in response to 800.1/IS/3573) afferma che “l’Informatore Scientifico non può dipendere che dalla figura del responsabile l’informazione scientifica e l’Informatore Scientifico non può in nessun modo configurarsi come un agente di commercio” e “deve rivestire un ruolo di aggiornamento del bagaglio culturale dei sanitari adeguato anche a una migliore individuazione delle terapie farmacologiche”. Anche recentemente l’AIFA (Prot. AG/106373.P del 05/10’/2017) reiterated the importance of the ISF's activity which, in order to focus attention on the social function of drugs in the protection of public health, must maintain a high degree of autonomy in carrying out the information service for doctors, in intent not to be conditioned by purely private commercial interests.

Current legislation defines scientific drug information as the set of information relating to the composition of drugs for human use, their therapeutic activity, indications, precautions and methods of use, including the grantability by the NHS, the results of clinical studies controlled tests concerning immediate and long-term efficacy and toxicity, intended for doctors and pharmacists, with the aim of ensuring correct use of the drug.

Between research and the doctor, an irreplaceable intermediary is certainly the scientific representative of the drug, a qualified professional, with in-depth preparation and continuous professional updating.
Whistleblowers must report to a scientific service and not to a sales or marketing management. So says the Legislative Decree 541/92, The Legislative Decree 219/06, the guidelines of the Conference of Regions on scientific informationregional laws and regulations, European directives and judgments of State Council, of the Cassation which condemn those companies that use the ISF as sellers.

The responsibility of scientific representatives was also sanctioned by the decree of the Minister of Health of 23 June 1981, which obliges them (article 10) to collaborate with the Ministry of Health, also with suggestions and indications, in order precisely to ensure the correct and optimal performance of drug information activities.

Furthermore, the public service value attributed to the activity of scientific representative of the drug by the health reform law is confirmed by the legislation indicated by the decrees of the Minister of Health of 23 June 1981, 23 November 1982, 26 February 1985, 4 December 1990, and 3 July 1992 (all on the regulation of scientific information on drugs), as well as by the decrees of the Minister of Health of 20 March 1980 and 28 July 1984 (on monitoring of drugs), by the legislative decree 30 December 1992, n. 541, and subsequent amendments, (in implementation of directive 92/28/EEC concerning the advertising of medicines for human use), by law 6 February 1996, n. 52, and by the regulation referred to in the decree of the President of the Republic 7 December 2000, n. 435 (both, among other things, on the involvement of drug sales representatives in pharmacovigilance activities).

Secondo le leggi che ne regolamentano l’attività (D.Lgs. 219/06) l’informatore deve essere in possesso di un diploma di laurea in discipline biomediche o chimiche-farmaceutiche (elencate all’art. 122 and later mod.) or the specific degree in scientific information on drugs. Must have high and adequate training to be able to communicate correctly with doctors and pharmacists.

Before starting the activity, the Scientific Representative attends a long and in-depth company training course, which will allow him to know all the characteristics of the medicines produced by the company for which he will work and will have to carry out continuous non-sales or marketing but technical / scientific business and possibly associative promoted by FEDAIISF.

Gli Informatori Scientifici rappresentano per il medico una fonte di notizie continua ed insostituibile. Ogni singolo informatore è, relativamente al proprio settore, un esperto in grado di riferire al medico tutto il bagaglio di esperienza relativa alle specialità oggetto della sua attività. Il suo lavoro è volto a far conoscere ai medici le caratteristiche e le proprietà dei medicinali, onde assicurare il loro corretto impiego nell’esclusivo interesse dei pazienti.

It is also the duty of the Pharmaceutical Representative to report to the Head of the Scientific Service, on whom he depends, and to the company's Pharmacovigilance, all observations on medicinal products reported by healthcare professionals (art. 122 and 126 of Legislative Decree 219/06). This flow of information contributes decisively to ensuring the correct use of the drug in therapy, providing useful information for the development of research.

Pharmaceutical Representatives (ISF) therefore should not have to deal with sales precisely in order not to create conflicts of interest, a principle already recognized and in force and which the recent law on competition (Law 4 August 2017, n. 124, paragraph 157.b) conferma, ribadendo il vincolo di incompatibilità per i titolari o per le società titolari di farmacia con l’attività svolta nel settore dell’informazione scientifica del farmaco.

To guarantee the legal characteristics of the ISF and to protect and guarantee citizens, a Register or Order of Scientific Informers is essential.

This need was well present in the institutions, so much so that in all legislatures the bills to establish it were very numerous, the most significant of which was in 2006 the bill S.404-D, already approved by the Chamber and by the Senate Health Commission and only the last vote in the Chamber for the dissolution of Parliament was missing.

The NHS certainly cannot afford to tolerate information manipulations that alter "healthy" competition in the pharmaceutical sector (which must be based on quality and price) by increasing waste and therefore, ultimately. they harm all of us, as citizens and potential users of the service.

The efficiency of Pharmaceutical Representatives obviously cannot be measured on the basis of the number of drugs that are sold but should be measured on the degree of competence, updating and useful information transmitted to the prescriber and/or healthcare professional.

In recent years we have witnessed abuses of all kinds and we have ascertained that neither the Farmindustria Code of Conduct nor the AIFA nor the NAS have controlled or sanctioned anything.

A figure of the ISF outlined in this way needs rigorous control which can only be exercised by a specific professional order placed "under the high supervision of the Ministry of Health" which on the one hand protects the Members and on the other, precisely through the defense of professionalism, protect the community.

The law that reforms the health orders (Law Lorenzin) establishes

Article 5

1.L’individuazione di nuove professioni sanitarie che non trovino rispondenza in professioni già riconosciute, avviene su iniziativa (…) delle associazioni professionali rappresentative di coloro che intendono ottenere tale riconoscimento. A tal fine, le associazioni interessate inviano istanza motivata al Ministero della salute, che si pronuncia entro i successivi sei mesi e, in caso di valutazione positiva, attiva la procedura di cui al comma 2.

2. L’istituzione di nuove professioni sanitarie è effettuata, nel rispetto dei princìpi fondamentali stabiliti dalla presente legge, previo parere tecnico-scientifico del Consiglio superiore di sanità, mediante uno o più accordi, sanciti in sede di Conferenza permanente per i rapporti tra lo Stato, le regioni e le province autonome di Trento e di Bolzano, ai sensi dell’articolo 4 del decreto legislativo 28 agosto 1997, n. 281, e recepiti con decreti del Presidente della Repubblica, previa deliberazione del Consiglio dei ministri.

3. Gli accordi di cui al comma 2 individuano il titolo professionale, l’ambito di attività di ciascuna professione, i criteri di valutazione dell’esperienza professionale nonché i criteri per il riconoscimento dei titoli equipollenti. Con decreto del Ministro dell’istruzione, dell’università e della ricerca, di concerto con il Ministro della salute, acquisito il parere del Consiglio universitario nazionale e del Consiglio superiore di sanità, è definito l’ordinamento didattico della formazione universitaria per le nuove professioni sanitarie individuate ai sensi del presente articolo.

4. The definition of the functions characterizing the new health professions takes place avoiding fragmentation and overlapping with the already recognized professions or with their specializations».

Scientific reps are aware that the correctness of the information and of the resulting prescription largely depends on their daily relationship with doctors, and they reject any conditioning that could have distorting effects on the prescription. They also refuse, together with the Companies, to use resources for purposes not connected to the correct illustration of the technical-scientific characteristics of the drug, to its most appropriate use, as well as to the continuous education of the doctor, and in particular for tools aimed at improperly influencing the prescription .

Information on the drug must necessarily have as its objective that of cultural growth in healthcare professionals and in the patient but as such requires a continuous commitment to update. In Italy we are acquiring an approach that sees the professionalism of the healthcare operator linked to continuous training. In this sense, (in)training requires specific professionals who have the mission of continuously providing data and updates useful for clinical practice. The efficiency of these figures obviously cannot be measured on the basis of the number of drugs that are sold but should be measured on the degree of updating and useful information transmitted to the prescriber and/or healthcare professional. To do all this, a Professional Order of the ISF is essential

News correlate: AIFA Lettra Dr. Magrini on ISF coaching

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