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Why we don't need a "Superminister of Health"

Date: 31/05/2013

Menarini: meeting at the MiSE on redundancies
The national secretariat UGL Chemists, together with the other trade unions and a representative of the RSU, met on 31 May 2013 in Rome at the Ministry of Economic Development, with the management of the Menarini Group following the recent declaration of around 1,000 redundancies.
During the meeting, Menarini illustrated its business plan which envisages major investments both in Italy and around the world in the face of a redundancy in personnel, reduced, after in-depth analysis, to approximately 730 units. This in response to a decrease in turnover in Italy determined above all by both regional and national legislation which penalizes patented products and which in fact favors the market for generic drugs.
The UGL Chemistry delegation expressed concern and agreed on the need to stabilize the rules and on the need for a clear regulatory framework that gives certainty to pharmaceutical companies also in order to guarantee employment levels and at the same time offer the possibility of further developments.
As regards the management of the declared redundancies, the solution would seem to have been identified in the creation of Solidarity Contracts which would allow the workers concerned, especially Scientific Representatives, to maintain their employment relationship with Menarini and their job functions without losing the acquired professionalism. The decline in turnover would also put a certain number of employees in production and commercial activities at risk.
A company-union meeting is scheduled for 19 June 2013 to discuss the merits of defining redundancy management agreements. Here, UGL Chimici will carefully evaluate the initiatives to be taken in order to safeguard the employment levels of the Group's workers.
Rome, May 31, 2013
The National Secretariat
UGL Chemicals

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