
Pensions, the possibility of accumulating "silent" contributions in Enasarco is being studied

This was stated by the undersecretary for welfare, Tiziana Nisini, in response to one parliamentary question at the Labor Commission of the Chamber of Deputies.

Pensions today - Valerio Damiani - 21 June 2022

The executive postpones the issue of silent contributions paid by agents and sales representatives to the Foundation to a legislative solution Enasarco. This was stated by the undersecretary for welfare, Tiziana Nisini, in response last week to a parliamentary question raised at the Labor Commission of the Chamber of Deputies (5-08246) by the Honorable Walter Rizzetto (FdI).

It had been brought back to the government the question of the impossibility for agents and trade representatives to value the contributions paid to the Entity for pension purposes Enasarco due to the particular nature of the social security institution (compulsory but supplementary to the compulsory general insurance). In the event of failure to achieve 20 years of contributions, in fact, the members do not accrue the right to old age pensionnor to the refund of the sums paid. Since it is a social security institution that provides supplementary benefits, it is not possible in any way to use this contribution nor through the reunion of contributions to INPS (provided that the contribution Enasarco is already covered - for the same period of time - by the obligatory INPS one) nor resort to accumulation of insurance periods referred to in law 228/2012.

The alternative for members, as known, is to continue voluntarily the insurance (hypothesis not convenient especially for those with few contributions) or wait for contributory income (available from 2024).

The questioner had, therefore, requested a specific intervention aimed at allow for the accumulation of contributions Enasarco with that paid into INPS in order, at least, to grab a higher pension amount. The undersecretary reiterated that the question is being investigated in order to evaluate a regulatory proposal concerning the so-called "silent" members of the Foundation Enasarco which "could allow the contribution paid by the aforementioned members to be valorised for social security purposes". However «any intervention will necessarily have to take into account the financial aspects, since it cannot be imposed o approve regulatory changes that may question the financial equilibrium of the Entity".

A weak response according to Rizzetto who remarked that the question has been going on for years. The Honorable Member therefore renewed the need for a "political" solution, suggesting the next budget law as a time frame for correcting the anomaly.

An intervention that could also be implemented through amendment proposals, similar to what was done for the so-called "displaced persons".


The "silent" Enasarco


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