Pediatricians arrested, commercial agents: "Some people force you to give gifts to work". Interview with Fedaiisf Toscana

I rappresentanti escono allo scoperto e raccontano: «A volte per battere la concorrenza il venditore deve sottostare alle richieste”. Parlano di «sottobosco» Stephen Benci, 49 years old and (20 career, Segr. Sez. Fedaiisf Firenze), Victor Courts (57 years and 26 working in the sector, President of the Fedaiisf Section) e James Navarre (57 years old, 30 working).

Of Conrad Benzio


FLORENCE. There is the undergrowth of the "assisted" prescription, i.e. the representative who anoints the doctor. But there is also «the shark doctor» who almost forces the seller to give various gifts.

They talk about "undergrowth" Stephen Benci, 49 years old and (20 career, Segr. Sez. Fedaiisf Firenze), Victor Courts (57 years and 26 working in the sector, President of the Fedaiisf Section) e James Navarre (57 years old, 30 working). The «shark doctor» is a figure described by Massimo Viti, 50 years old, representative of Mellin in the pharmacies of mid-Tuscany. People who have decided to put their face, their name (and an immaculate record) to tell what the double scandal that is upsetting Tuscan healthcare is hiding. First the accusations against cardiologists for the purchase of pacemakers and stents and then the "roundup" of the 12 paediatricians because they pushed - it is the accusation - on artificial milk.

«I am a commercial agent - says Viti who works in Florence, Prato, Pistoia - for Mellin I follow the pharmacies. My commission is 2%. It may seem little, but you have to look at the turnover. I follow all the pharmacies, from large to small. I say without a problem that I take the pharmacists to lunch and unload the bills in the entertainment expenses. I operate correctly and my battle is only commercial. On prices, on a more visible display, etc».

E i colleghi finiti nei guai? «La Mellin non ha mai spinto sull’allattamento artificiale. Se poi qualche collega si sente in guerra con i concorrenti, se viene buttato fuori da un pediatra e pensa di riconquistarlo in qualche modo…. Se si trova di fronte un medico squalo, può comportarsi come lui».

Stefano Benci is an operator of Roche, one of the giants of Big Pharma, a Swiss multinational. He is also a trade unionist in the category. «In the meantime, let's distinguish the roles – he begins – we are drug informants, hired by the company under the chemists' contract. We have incentives, but in the end the salary is still the same. Commercial agents live, instead of commissions. Which travel on the 5%, but in reality they vary according to the turnover».

Lafamiglia Bonaccini, i tre arrestati (padre e due figli) dalla Procura di Firenze per “Cuore d’oro”, ad un certo punto parla di una provvigione da 3-400mila euro per un appalto di stent cardiaci. «Allora spieghiamo – aggiunge Vittorio Corti – come funziona la sanità italiana. Il 50% delle spese va in farmaci, l’altro 50% in presidi e diagnostica. Sui farmaci i capitolati d’appalto sono molto stretti».

On principals it seems not. «There is still greater discretion - Benci confirms - that the Region, at least in Tuscany, is trying to remedy. Our battle I speak of drugs when it comes to tenders is on the quality of the product and on the price ».

Ed è una battaglia senza esclusioni di colpi (leciti). Benci mostra un prodotto della Roche. È un antitumorale usato nel carcinoma della mammella. L’Herceptin Sc è un farmaco da chemioterapia. Prezzo ufficiale, Iva compresa, è 2.871 euro e 68 centesimi per una seduta. Ma alle Asl viene offerto alle gare a 1.583 euro e 39. Meno della metà. «Guardi che i prezzi dei farmaci in Italia – sottolinea Benci – sono più bassi che all’estero. In più sono due anni che lo Stato taglia il budget sanità…»

But how do your companies help sales? They give you promotion money, giveaways for doctors. Corti pulls flowers a pen. “These are the tributes we can pay. Then there are the conferences. And this is where clarity is needed. The conferences are first authorized by the Ministry. Once the validity has been assessed, companies can invite doctors. Starting next year, the large groups will put all the contributions given to healthcare professionals online to participate in the conferences. Ensuring greater transparency".

If everything is so clear, why do these scandals explode? In certain moments it is almost a pochade. With what the raincoat wants is the other the Spanish Pata Negra. Benci is lapidary. «An undergrowth resists, also linked to products such as supplements and low-level drugs. And that's where it goes wrong. For us it is different. The ethical code of our pharmaceutical companies in the face of only dubious cases provides for the recall and then the dismissal ».

But the Bonaccini brothers worked for Sorin, a company that has a name in Italy. «In fact, in wiretaps they get alarmed when a doctor asks for a flight and hotel for the whole family in Paris by sending an email directly to Sorin and not to them. But those who work on their own, as in the case of the Bonaccinis who are commercial agents, can do whatever they want. In the sense that they can offer trips or whatever».

Viti, the man from Mellin explains: «When I take a pharmacist to lunch, I spend 60 euros for two, I take the invoice and deduct it. You don't get rich with this job." It sure is risky. The Public Prosecutor's Office of Massa opened an investigation three years ago because it discovered that orthopaedists brought hip replacement sellers into the operating room. News that caused a sensation. But that Stefano Benci resizes. “There is nothing strange. On the contrary, it is useful to have someone who knows that product well in the operating room. And it was not the representatives who operated ».

We close with the story of Tantum verde, a mouthwash. When it was removed from the "handbook" and ended up among the over-the-counter products, it allowed the representatives large profits. "What happened? That the commissions – explains Corti – were cut from 5 to 3.5%».

It's the trade, honey.

Related news: Pediatricians arrested: «“Inflated” invoices and black funds: here is the mechanism»  An informant recounts: business dinners and counterfeit accounts. «The cash reserve is used to push the products»

Pediatricians arrested, off to the first interrogations in front of the investigating magistrate


Dear Colleagues

segnaliamo l’articolo apparso oggi su “Il Tirreno” dove sono riprese le posizioni della nostra sezione espresse nella letter that we sent.

We would like to clarify that obviously our stance is aimed at:

1) tutelare la figura dell’informatore scientifico del farmaco che sono estranei alla vicenda

2) rivendicare la necessità di contratti di lavoro meno soggetti al binomio “vendite-stipendio”

Lungi da noi l’intenzione di nuocere ai colleghi che attualmente svolgono il loro lavoro sotto contratti “atipici” per il ruolo di informatori scientifico del farmaco (legge 219 del 2006) anzi, esattamente l’opposto, rivendicando anche per loro il diritto ad avere un contratto ed un inquadramento all’interno del contratto nazionale dei chimici.

However, we are available for the considerations of any of you

A warm greeting

Aiisf directive section of Florence & Prato


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