The form for self-certification of income The note with the instructions for self-certification
PATIENTS Italian healthcare users are by definition, but this time perhaps it was exaggerated. Today the hurricane ticket will break out, the forecast is very easy, and arming yourself with patience will probably not be enough to overcome the thousand pitfalls of the Italian bureaucracy. Self-certification of income (on the basis of which a different co-payment on medicines will be paid) should in theory be a facilitation for the citizen. In reality, the majority of users cannot help but turn to patronages, trade associations and various assistance centres. To these inevitable queues will be added those at the health offices and equally inevitable long waits in the pharmacy. A huge waste of time and resources. What happened to all the nice words that our administrators (local and national) use to ensure their respect for the needs of citizens? Once again the impression is that for those who govern us we remain nothing but subjects. We will have to be very patient indeed in order not to let ourselves be overwhelmed by the fever of anti-politics.
by Emanuele Chesi – Cesena