Device paybacks. The deadline has been postponed to October 31st

The Council of Ministers n.45 of 26 July, on the proposal of the President Giorgia Meloni, the Minister of Economy and Finance Giancarlo Giorgetti and the Minister of Labor and Social Policies Marina Calderone, approved a decree-law which introduces urgent measures regarding the protection of workers in the event of an emergency climate change, the strengthening of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, as well as the terms of payment of the temporary solidarity contribution.

Finally, rules have been introduced for the postponement of the payment of the so-called paybacks in the supply of medical devices.

(From the Press Release)

The long-awaited extension of the terms for the payment of the amounts owed by companies supplying medical devices to the National Health Service has arrived. The deadline for the payment of amounts due as payback by companies has been extended since July 31, 2023 to October 30, 2023. The measure was included in the so-called 'DL Caldo' approved on 26 July by the Council of Ministers. This problem affects many micro, small and medium-sized enterprises whose survival is put at serious risk by the law, with heavy repercussions also on employment.

Lately an analysis conducted by Nomisma showed how a possible implementation of the payback would put more than 1400 companies in the sector at risk employ 190,000 people.

Satisfaction was expressed by Massimiliano Boggetti, presidente di Confindustria dispositivi medici: “Ora si punta alla cancellazione”

Related news: AIFA - Scheme of pharmaceutical expenditure for direct purchases for the year 2022 - Start of the procedure - Data exposure

The Lazio Regional Administrative Court suspends the medical device payback

AIFA. Payback – Quanto è costato alle aziende farmaceutiche il ripiano per gli acquisti diretti del 2021 – N.d.R.


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