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Health pact, we talk about tickets again but the mmg are waiting for the conventions

In Italy the number of patients who, desperate, end up in the network of 'santoni' of medicine who promise miraculous cures against cancer is growing. They range from herbal teas to a mixture of unspecified herbs, from bicarbonate to the Di Bella method, up to scorpion venom: expensive and very often harmful, as well as useless, therapies.

"It is estimated - even if it is very difficult to make precise estimates - that about 1,000 Italians have approached these remedies, prescribed by fake doctors or ex-professionals who have been disbarred and without scruples who make money their only creed. Insensitive to the condition of desperation that cancer patients live".

Taking the picture of the phenomenon of new sorcerers and false therapies passed off as miraculous is Salvo Di Grazia, gynecologist of the Pieve di Soligo (Treviso) health company, who has opened a site: 'Medbunker, the uncomfortable truths', where, by showing documents and testimonials, various alternative treatments are effectively dismantled. Some very bizarre. And also very expensive.

"In Italy, an estimate in this sense has never been made - explains Di Grazia - we are still talking about a millionaire market.

May 8, 2013 – PharmaKronos

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