The signature of the governors to the health pact on the text is expected, which should see the final version - the Ministry of Health and the Economy are still at work when this issue closes - and which today should make a final passage in the Health Commission of the State Regions Conference. Among the contents on which agreement seems to have been reached, the fact that, as has been repeatedly reiterated, the savings deriving from the pact and revision of the Lea must be allocated to health care, between investments and assistance, and remain in the availability of the individual Regions - which in any case reiterate that the organization of health care remains with them and only the general rules go to the State. On the drugs chapter, the discussion ended yesterday and, in the meantime, what emerges is the revision of the handbook by Aifa, already envisaged by the Balduzzi Decree and not yet completed, which could be strengthened. As anticipated by the press, savings of 600 million euros are expected from the interventions on the chapter. The intention to delegate the review of tickets and Lea to a separate table is confirmed. For the first point, what has already emerged from the declarations of the Minister of Health applies Beatrice Lorenzinwhich will be linked to income, to the family unit and with a rearrangement of the exemptions for some chronicities. The measures, which will be finalized in the second half of the year, will then be applied from next year. Among other points, some concern the structure of the health service, starting with a squeeze on the local health authorities which not only will have to be careful of organizational duplication but which could see mergers based on the number of inhabitants. For hospitals there is talk of standards and the containment of beds would also remain confirmed, but with fewer cuts (we would be talking about 3,000-3,500), as well as the limit on the number of beds to maintain operations for small nursing homes which passes to 80 beds. The need for prevention is strengthened on financing. And among the elements that appear the Assessment of health technologies (Health technology assessment, HTA) for devices and drugs.
Frances Giani
June 26, 2014 – Pharmacist33