First floor

Parma. The Kantele musical group (all ISF) at the Magliani theater in Corcagnano (PR)

kantele.28marzo_stradeThe Kantele musical group presents the Strade show on 28 March at 9 pm. Admission with ticket. Ennio Magliani Theater of Corcagnano-Parma in Strada Cava in Vigatto, 61
The proceeds of the evening will be donated to AISM prov.le Parma.

Members: Antonio Pizzi: guitars, keyboards and vocals; Mauro De Maria: guitars and keyboards; Andrea Masini: percussion and programming; Marco De Maria: guitars; Giorgio Grotti: bass and voice; Carlo Rainone: drums

The musical group of Kantele was born in the 90s in Parma. Although the training has undergone several variations as regards the members that make up the complex, the founding nucleus has remained unchanged over the years, always maintaining the characteristic of including in the band colleagues with the same profession as Pharmaceutical Representatives. Kantele's musical genre is represented by self-products and covers that refer to the classics of Italian author music, jazz and progressive rock.
The Kanteles also collaborate with artists engaged in other sectors (eg: painting) in the creation of multimedia audiovisual works for exhibitions, artistic stations, DVDs.
The current lineup consists of:
Antonio Pizzi – guitars, vocals
Mauro DeMaria – guitars, poems
George Grotti - Bass
Andrea Masini – percussion, keyboards
Carlo Rainone – drums

Related news: Presentation of "Wefts and Warps" by Mauro De Maria

Redazione Fedaiisf

Promote the cohesion and union of all members to allow a univocal and homogeneous vision of the professional problems inherent in the activity of pharmaceutical sales reps.

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Fedaiisf Federazione delle Associazioni Italiane degli Informatori Scientifici del Farmaco e del Parafarmaco