In Italy and in Europe there is a deafening silence on the part of the political forces but unfortunately also of science against an anti-scientific policy against the natural and health pharmaceutical sector.
A silent and sneaky attack on natural molecules carried out by those who either don't understand their potential or don't want them to become dangerous competition for something else, which in reality they are not but they are an aid and an important synergy to combat pathologies and restore correct body physiology.
I have been fighting for three years now to make people understand the importance of safeguarding this sector and of carrying forward the scientific truth about their potential and their safety! I have not lacked the international certificates of esteem that push me to go ahead even unfortunately in the silence of the national media and politicians who pretend not to see when instead their contribution would be important to mature first in public opinion and then in the political and scientific world the problem that for now is under the rug.
I'm not afraid to continue fighting alone as I have always done since 2005 when I founded MRSI - ITALIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH MOVEMENT which then fought to defend exploited researchers forced to go abroad to enforce their research with this movement I produced various bills in parliament as well as various political collaborations at the national level.
Today my professional battle as a scientist as a herb chemist and politician shifts to defending natural molecules!
Thank you for esteem messages like this one:
” The simplest and most trivial concepts for science are altered and questioned by great "scientists" in jackets and ties who sit in positions of power ... The attack on natural remedies is underway and we assist helplessly!
Thanks to Paolo Pelini, who undertook this battle to restore the truth.”
which I had the pleasure of receiving and which I publish to make it clear that the problem is strongly felt and that an immediate scientific and political solution is needed.
I claim that thanks to my studies the absolute inconsistency of EFSA's statements on the toxicity of anthraquinine plants and in particular on aloe and other plants containing hydroxyanthracene derivatives has been demonstrated, but we cannot lower our guard because whoever wants to destroy the sector is always lurking.
Paul Pellini
Profession Herbochemist
Consultancy and Research for Quality Control and Pharmacognostic and Cytotoxicological Evaluation on Plant Extracts of Medicinal Plants, Microalgae and Bud Derivatives and Microbiota Research on Medicinal Plants
Scientific Responsible: Center for Control and Scientific Dissemination of Natural Substances - CCDSN
Rome Italy
Phone: 351/0461450
E-mail: paolo.pelini@gmail.com
CV: https://dmhomes.academia.edu/PaoloPelini/CurriculumVitae
Received in the editorial staff on July 12, 2023
Paolo Pelini, Europe rejects the Italian studies on the safety of aloe. It's a shame!
It proves shameful and an anti-scientific act with a clearly political matrix aimed at damaging countries such as Italy, the rejection by Europe of the Studies presented by our country on security of aloe, in particular of the juice which, although containing hydroxyanthracene derivatives, as I have also demonstrated, do not cause any genotoxic phenomenon if taken as a whole phytocomplex, contrary to what is claimed by the EU.
Europe's attitude demonstrates the urgent need to change things and I hope that the Italian government listens to us and at the same time makes itself heard in Europe to save real science.
Paul Pellini
Expert Herbal Chemist and Consultant
Phytochemical Quality Control, Research and Pharmacognostic Evaluation of Medicinal Plant Extracts
Scientific Head of the Control and Scientific Dissemination Center on Natural Substances
Rome – Italy
E-mail: paolo.pelini@gmail.com
Received in the editorial staff on 13.7.2023