In recent days, the Section was officially established. AIISF of Palermo federated Fedaiisf. The new president has sent us the communication below
I hereby have the pleasure of introducing you to the colleagues who are part of the board of the new AIISF section of Palermo, federated with the Fedaiisf:
President Loreta Passafiume 3313248522
Vice president Marialuisa Russo 3924660589
Secretary Clelia Di Donato 3891412580
Treasurer Marina Morello 3894457165
Alessandro Cincimino 3351637851
Fabiola Di Cali 3487273439
Salvatore Tornetta 3481526019
Rosalinda Di Blasi 3926638276.
Our email address is fedaiisf.palermo@gmail.com .
We warmly welcome colleagues and send our most sincere wishes for good work