A staff of about thirty people. According to the revelations of the 19th century, the "structure of the competent doctor" at the Prime Minister's office would amount to this much. A fact that the Genoese newspaper underlines in light of the recent cuts to health care that would not have affected Palazzo Chigi. The article goes into detail explaining how Bruna Vercelli is managing the structure, with a salary that should be around 200 thousand euros a year. And of high-level collaborators, the article continues, the doctor has eight, for a total cost of 798 thousand euros. But that's not enough. The structure of the competent doctor has an expert and a professor, therefore external to the administration, five officials (with a salary between 35 and 40 thousand euros per year each), seven employees (paid between 25 thousand and 30 thousand euros each) and seven professional nurses which in total cost the state just over 200,000 euros a year. For a total cost, as reported in a parliamentary question last year, which is close to three million euros. Will they be included, the article asks, in the streamlining plan announced by Mario Monti? (MM)
July 10, 2012 – DoctorNews
Monti cuts health care but saves his doctors
The government has eliminated small hospitals but does not touch the health center of Palazzo Chigi: 20 doctors and 3 million in expenses a year
Shamballa is the mythical place of Tibetan Buddhism crowded with bonzes, where diseases are banned and, above all, there is no payment. There is a health Shamballa of the Caste - a mythical place full of doctors and nurses deputies to the premier - that Mario Monti forgot to cut.
Just as the spending review hits mini-hospitals, the case of the medical center of Palazzo Chigi re-emerges powerfully, the so-called “competent doctor structure”. Corrado Formigli had treated it a few months ago on La7 in Piazzapulita. Formigli interviewed a doctor of the structure of which nobody knows anything. The doctor wished to remain anonymous. "It's like the palace of Versailles," he said, describing the rooms of the Palazzo Chigi clinic. The structure is