Adequate organizational solutions must be identified to reduce attendance inside hospitals by distributing activities by hour and limiting the access of carers and visitors of hospitalized patients (hours, number, duration of visits).
The reduction of the risk of contamination must be ensured by reserving the hospital structure for activities that are not they can be carried out in locations other than the hospital and by transferring the performance of services to different areas/locations in all cases where this is feasible.
This is an indispensable action that must go through more effective programming with the strengthening and completion of the computerization of the pathways (see for example personalized health records, direct and real-time communication with the mmgg, etc.) and of the hardware equipment (telemedicine).
The experience of the pandemic has shown how the necessary / forced reduction of the influx of people to the hospital has improved several aspects and highlighted contradictions and inappropriateness that had arisen over the years: reduction of hospital infections and attacks on healthcare personnel. In the light of what has been observed, it becomes coherent to redefine the pathways for those who access the hospital both electively and urgently. The same considerations apply to chaperones and other subjects who, for various reasons, entered freely before the pandemic.
A maximum of 2 entrances for users and 1 for suppliers are defined for each Hospital Establishment. The inputs will have the following characteristics:
- Temperature measurement through advanced technology where possible (with thermoscanner) and numerical control of the inputs.
- Entry forbidden to all those with a fever
- Mandatory use of surgical mask and gloves
- Obligation to sanitize hands with disinfectant gel
- Same control to suppliers, pharmaceutical informants, specialists and to all those who access for service (including voluntary work) and to company personnel
- Companions will be admitted only if necessary for the patient's safety, thus limiting their presence to the need to support children or people with severe disabilities
- The risk containment measures relating to visitor access are maintained.
- Maximum standards of attendance/hour allowed must be defined for each Hospital Establishment. Each hospital has its own specifics (type, activity and size) which can be calculated using the simulation tool.