OO.SS. TRIS Fund activation announcement

Si è svolto in data 19 gennaio u.s. il previsto incontro con Farmindustria e Federchimica in merito all’attuazione del Fondo Tris.

We agreed to move on 3 priority points:

1) Establishment and management of the Fund Administration Committee.

2) Definition by INPS of the interpretative circular of the real constitution of the fund.

3) Sharing with INPS of the charges deriving from administrative operations, such as for example the financing of the services and the cost for the payment of contributions and the disbursement of extraordinary allowance.

As regards the appointment of the Administration Committee, which for our part is numerically made up of six members (3 for Federchimica and Farmindustria and 3 for Filctem - Femca and Uiltec) we will proceed with the identification of professional figures who have the necessary requisites and who must then be validated by the Ministry of Labour.

Con la definizione del comitato, ci attiveremo contestualmente con lettera di richiesta di incontro congiunta alla Presidenza dell’ INPS in modo da velocizzare il più possibile la partenza amministrativa e gestionale del Fondo Tris.

We also agreed to meet again within two weeks in order to more specifically define the continuation of the initiatives.


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