The honorable Silvio Crapolicchio (Pdci) has presented a bill to introduce the obligation to inform and prescribe equivalent medicines. The proposal, "in addition to bearing the signatures of all the deputies of the Pdci, has the consent of deputies from both political alignments, testifying to the goodness of the idea of introducing the obligation for all pharmacists to inform patients about the possibility of replace the prescribed drug, in the absence of the wording 'irreplaceable', with a generic drug at a lower price, in the hope of spreading a new culture on the use of drugs without patent restrictions”. Crapolicchio himself wrote it in a note. "The arduous path of the diffusion of generic drugs - says the exponent of the Pdci - has found new impetus in the pronouncement of the Competition and Market Authority, which has urged the legislator to introduce the obligation for the doctor to indicate in the prescription the option to purchase a lower priced drug that can be substituted for the prescribed one. The current bill therefore intends to contribute to the greater use of so-called equivalent medicines also and above all in order to contribute to a substantial reduction in pharmaceutical expenditure which, in this way, should undergo a contraction of 30 percent”. From Doctornews 01-30-07