ELECTIONS Association of drug informants - Frosinone
On April 29, the elections were held for the renewal of the positions of the Board of Directors of the Association of Drug Informers of the Province of Frosinone
We are pleased to inform you that the following have been elected:
CORREALE Silvio NEW President – 349-2168566
SALVADORI Riccardo Vice President – 348-1543137
SETALE Antonio Secretary – 334-6553008
SINGER Mauro Treasurer – 334-6552885
BARTOLI Fabrizia Director – 348-2112479
CIASCO Bruno Director – 366-2078053
IACOVELLA Federico Director – 333-4569274
RICCIARDI Piero Director – 331-7016542
BARBONA Aldo Probovir – 347-6515984
The Assembly of Pharmaceutical Representatives wishes the new Board a fruitful work in favor of the entire category.
Editor's note: The Editorial Board and the Federal National Executive Fedaiisf joins the Colleagues of Frosinone in wishing the new Board a good job.