
New records for pharmaceuticals

What pharmaceutical companies operating in Italy put on file is confirmed and perhaps even almost surpassed even the most optimistic forecasts. Moreover, all the latest institutional reports have confirmed the positive trend of pharmaceuticals in recent months

Roberto Turno – 24 March 2016 – Il Sole 24ORE

Industrial production soars to 30.1 billion with a flattering +5% in just twelve months. Exports rose even higher, with 22 billion showing +4%. Employment climbs by 1%.

Made in Italy pharmaceuticals continued to set new records in 2015 which sees them second in Europe after Germany for production, at the top for growth and average value of exports, second for share of innovative companies, always ahead for requests for patent filed in Italy, increase in clinical trials in Italy now 18% of all those taking place in the EU.

(… continue on Il Sole 24ORE of 03/24/2016)

Related news: Consumption at a standstill: January trade at -0.8% on 2015. The biggest drops are for drugs and technology

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