Notwithstanding the ban on advertising for ethical medicines, the European Commission has revised the previous guidance from 2008 on the information that the pharmaceutical industry can provide to the public on prescription medicines, in light of the free access to a large number of online news not always reliable or from unofficial sources. The new indications, therefore, authorize only certain information, such as those shown on the label and on the package leaflet, those relating to prices, instructions for use and clinical trials. The diffusion of the same can be conveyed limitedly to certain communication channels, for example the officially recognized websites. They must also meet certain quality criteria: they must be based on scientific evidence, be understandable and not misleading. In general, information must be verified and approved by the relevant authorities before it can be disclosed. The proposals put forward by the European Commission aim to guarantee the rights to information, the interests and safety of patients by establishing the criteria which the pharmaceutical industry must comply with in providing information on prescription drugs.
Pharmacist33 – 25 October 2011