Novartis Pharma press release
On 14 September we met Dru and the lawyer D'Ovidio on the subject of of the coaching that are carried out by personnel/company managers to scientific representatives.
With mutual satisfaction we have reached an agreement which from TODAY ESTABLISHES THAT MEDICAL INFORMATION CAN ONLY BE CARRIED OUT BY THE ISF AND ALONE, in compliance with the state-region agreements already mentioned in the previous communication and with the numerous rulings on the subject and therefore in compliance with Novartis policies.
Personnel\company executives, who are NOT qualified as scientific informants, will obviously be able to carry out their work and professional activity -defined by their qualification- with clinicians in the area, WITHOUT PERSONALLY ASSISTING OR PROVIDING SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION.
This solution respects both the corporate interests and the work of all Novartis workers whatever their role and classification and obviously the laws in force on scientific information.
We therefore ask all Novartis workers, in all their qualifications, to comply with this agreement in the collective interest.
During the meeting we also discussed other topics:
First of all, we reiterate that call plans, Maestro profiling and any company tool are optional. Regarding MyRepConnect/Health Professionals we have arranged a meeting with Dr. Barbers and project managers to address all related issues.
During the November assemblies we will go into the details of all these topics, as well as the pilot project meals on site, working hours, Ophtha line, which, given their importance, deserve more time and sharing with all of you.
Rsu Novartis
Sergio Cardinali's comment (Filctem)
Sometimes good news helps us to carry on with our work with determination. After the sentences come the first agreements against the illegal support of informants between Rsu and Novartis. Maybe it would be worth checking what all companies do or not? A round of applause to the Unitary Workers' Representation and, why not, in this case also to the company.
PURSUANT TO ART. 48 PARAGRAPHS 21, 22, 23, 24 OF L. 24.11.2003 N. 326
- The ISFs must carry out their work with doctors alone; the presence of the area manager or other professional figures not related to the scientific information activity is allowed only for functions other than scientific information.
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