Editor's note: For information, we report the following note extracted from the blog "Come Don Quixote". The article is in the form of a dialogue between a grandson explaining the current economic crisis to his grandmother. The extract concerning the pharmaceutical multinationals is part of a much larger article which can be consulted in its entirety by clicking on the following link: http://www.google.it/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=farmaceutica&source=newssearch&cd=8&ved=0CEIQqQIwBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.comedonchisciotte.org%2Fsite%2Fmodules.php%3Fname%3DNews%26file%3Darticle%26sid%3D9200&ei=bBilTs7mCerR4QT16ZXpBA&usg=AFQjCNGyIMqz4Bk9lW5W37rTAInrkMUqTA&sig2=T6tfMunrhLmT0GAgwUNeKQ
Posted Sunday, October 23, @ 2:15pm CDT
Watch the chain of word of mouth what goes by the will of those private mega-industries [Editor's note: pharmaceutical companies] until it becomes a national rule for everyone. Then: 1) a huge private economic power decides that it will make tons of money if a damn idea convinces everyone to do a certain thing. 2) they hire scholars who overpay, who will have to write very serious treatises demonstrating that that bullshit idea is instead fundamental. 3) then they infiltrate the places where those who will become important tomorrow study, those who will command, and convince them that that idea is fundamental. 4) to do this they spend a lot of money on congresses, meetings, TV programs and articles… plus dinners, gifts, etc. 5) it is known that the environments of the important ones are the same ones where politicians hang out, who are as ignorant as sole and in the end they almost always drink what the big professors tell them. Imagine what a deputy understood, who perhaps had a shoe factory, what the microbiology of human glands understood... nothing. And the same goes for many other sectors. 6) The weight of the world of professors plus that of politicians add up to make that bogus idea become the national rule for everyone. And we are screwed. Notice what happened: powerful elites, i.e. the pharmaceutical giants, manage to impose a policy; but they tell us which is a national health policy, that those elites instead invented it. And no citizen knows where those elites are and what they have done. Meaning what: a hidden power rules over the power we see, that is, the government.
Paul Barnard
Source: www.paolobarnard.info
Link: http://www.paolobarnard.info/educazione_mostra_go.php?id=236