In evidence

NOMOS. Parliamentary Day on 23 December 2020

Parliamentary Day on 23 December 2020

On Recovery Conte reverses and Renzi announces the truce

At the beginning of next week they will arrive on the premier's table Joseph Conte the observations of the majority parties and a CDM before the end of the year should give the political green light to the plan Recovery plans, then we will go into depth on the spending criteria. The truce was signed yesterday in the meeting that the Prime Minister had with the Iv delegation headed by the Minister Teresa Bellanova. "The task force is no longer there", cut short the head of Agriculture, insisting on the need for a new phase to open in which the bonus strategy is replaced by a serious discussion on active policies. It is true that the body at first assumed that it envisaged the palace triangulation Chigi-Mef-Mise will be reviewed, but a structure, as he explained Vincent Amendola, it will be; of monitoring or what else will be seen, but “governance is in the guidelines of the EU Commission”, recalls the Minister of EU Affairs. Whether or not there will be the six managers at the head of the mission is still to be clarified: "It will be a matter of dialogue", they point out from the Government, no reverse gear.

However, the climate has improved but the fibrillation they are not missing. And there was no lack of moments of bitter confrontation even at yesterday's summit, when, for example, it is reported, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte denied that the control room was included in an amendment to the budget law. In any case Matthew Renzi he says he is satisfied with his own, because finally, according to him, we are talking about merit, about a investment plan, of a health care plan (Iv insists on the Mes), of infrastructure. In short, the former prime minister does not back down, he will continue to press the prime minister to answer the questions posed in the last meeting at Palazzo Chigi. In any case, the belief is that Conte has taken a step back on the task force and above all has involved more of the majority. "We too will present a document but we will be quick", the delegation of then underlined Leu received immediately afterwards at Palazzo Chigi: "Recovery is an opportunity to make work more stable", remarked the president of deputies Frederick Fornaro while the group leader in the Senate, Loredana De Petris, called for "a rebalancing of resources" on health care.

Now the comparison on the resources: the Ministers will ask the owner of via XX Settembre to be satisfied, the risk is an assault on diligence but the movement of technical meetings at the Mef it is a signal that he will be the minister Robert Gualtieri to keep accounts. "There are 52 projects and they will be streamlined and made consistent”, added Amendola, hoping that the Recovery plan can be delivered to Brussels by mid-February. For Italy alive, in reality, the game is still in its infancy and if for the Democratic Party, as Minister Francesco Boccia explained, "those who talk about the crisis during this pandemic are not feeling well", it is equally clear that the verification is not finished. Under trace the theme of reshuffle it has not disappeared from the agenda: the prospect of a more political government remains, even if more than one minister fears that a change in the executive could lead to a short circuit. “It is one thing to give Iv an undersecretary of the Mef or the Mise, another is to insert other deputy prime ministers or an undersecretary with responsibility for services”, observe some big names of the majority. In short, the premier will think twice before touching something, now the priority is Recovery.

Prodi invites Conte to hurry up on the Recovery and remove the government crisis

“A suggestion to the premier Joseph Conte? Do quickly. The time for mediation is running out” ea Matthew Renzi "slow on the descents and attentive to the curves": thus in an interview with Corriere della Sera the former prime minister Romano Prodi. For the professor, recovery “is still a great opportunity. We are in time” but “I still don't see clear ideas on how they will be spent”. No to management by a parallel structure: “The political responsibility of both the prime minister and the ministers. The coordination of decisions must be headed by the Cipe, strengthened, also by inserting external consultants. State structures, good or bad, must be used”. Don't decide on month it was an “understandable mistake, given the balance of power. The Mes helps us. Refusing it is a mistake, which arises from the Five Star ideology. Politically populism is in crisis but there is still a lot of it in the thinking of the country. We have made mistakes but we are not the worst animals in the European herd. I see an out-of-the-box debate that feeds populism”.

AND Mario Draghi? “Often Italians wait for a savior to then crucify him. Besides, I'm not aware that he was consulted". For Prodi, Italy is “a country in decline. Italy's strength in international institutions, in the Mediterranean, in foreign policy has diminished. We are increasingly selling our businesses to foreigners. Either we recover an ethical and political vision, or we continue to go downhill”. If the government falls, do we vote? “Finding an alternative would be difficult. It depends on Quirinal, but it's easy to slide towards elections. However, I believe that only an accident can bring down this government. However, I am convinced that neither Iv nor the dissatisfied with the Democratic Party want to get to the vote. I see only a sum of interests and personal ills”. Compared to the match for the Quirinale in 2022 “predictions are impossible. Last-minute factors have always prevailed”.

The center-right aims to vote in Calabria on 10 February. Criticize the opposition

Back to talking about regional elections in Calabria has already raised the first controversies. What divides, right from the start, is the choice of the date for the acting governor Nino Spirli has identified in February 14th. Only the centre-right within the Calabrian Regional Council he united by defending the decision taken and reiterating that “Calabrian citizens, also due to the particularly delicate period we are experiencing, have the right to choose who to be governed by, and to do so as soon as possible. The untimely and tragic death of Jole Santelli has left Calabria without a guide, a vote is needed to give the Region a strong political guide legitimized by the sovereign people". But in Calabria there is no unity of views on the issue: in fact, from the left Leu And Article One have prepared a motion to ask Spirlì himself to confront the Scientific Technical Committee for a further evaluation on what to do; net positions were taken by Pd And M5S who rejected the decision to vote in February as it would not take into consideration the current health emergency which sees Calabria as far from out of danger.

"Voting on February 14 is an irresponsible act that would put people's health at risk". With these motivations Calabria Civica, Verdi, Sinistra italiana, 6000Sardine, Calabria Aperta, Movimento Cinque Stelle, Italian Socialist Party, Article 1, Centro Democratico have decided to write directly to the president of the regional council (and for information to the premier Giuseppe Conte e to the Ministers Francesco Boccia, Luciana Lamorgese, Joseph Provenzano And Robert Hope) to ask for the postponement of the regional elections. In the meantime, however, the Council will meet again on December 29 and its president will discuss the forthcoming elections John Arruzzolo he reiterated that "Compared to the request made for President Spirlì to question the Technical-Scientific Committee to find out if the conditions of health safety exist for next February 14, I suggested that this request be directly formalized by the minority councilors".

In the Senate

Over the course of this week, theSenate assembly it will not gather. The Hall of Palazzo Madama will resume its work on Monday 28 December with communications from the President Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati on the discussion of budget law.

To the Chamber

L'Chamber of the Chamber will meet again at 11.00 for the first reading discussion of the State budget for the financial year 2021 and the multi-year budget for the three-year period 2021-2023, the so-called economic maneuver. According to what was decided at the beginning of the session, the Government will raise the issue of trust and thanks to the 24-hour derogation, explanations of votes on trust will take place from 1.00 pm while the call for roll call will take place from 2.30 pm. Subsequently, the amendments to the second part of the second budget law will be voted on (21 votes) with the conclusion of the works by 18.00. Finally, the final vote is scheduled for Sunday 27 evening around 20.30.

As regards the Commissions, the Balance will conclude work on the budget law so as to adapt the text to the findings of the State Accounting Office. There Transportation will examine the draft program contract between MIT, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane and the Euralpin Lyon-Turin Tunnel (TELT), for the financing, design and construction of the cross-border section of the common part of the new railway line. He will then discuss the proposals for the appointment of doctor Daniele Rossi as president of the port system authority of the central-northern Adriatic Sea, on that of doctor Mario Sommariva as president of the port system authority of the eastern Ligurian Sea and on that of professor Sergio Priest to president of the Port System Authority of the Ionian Sea. Finally, it will examine the pdl on the regulation of recreational flying. There Productive activities, together with the Social Affairs, will examine the decree on urgent provisions to deal with the health risks associated with the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the so-called Christmas decree.

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