Parliamentary Day on 21 December 2020
In the Senate
Over the course of this week, theSenate assembly will meet again today at 17.00 for communications from the President Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati in view of the discussion of the budget law once the Chamber has finished its examination.
As regards the Commissions, the Public Works today he will hear the lawyer Daniele Rossi in the context of the proposal for the appointment as President of the Port System Authority of the central-northern Adriatic Sea, Dr. Mario Sommariva on the proposal for the appointment as President of the Port System Authority of the eastern Ligurian Sea and Professor Sergio Prete in the context of the proposal for the appointment as President of the Port System Authority of the Ionian Sea. The other Commissions, on the other hand, have no forecasts for meetings.
To the Chamber
After last night the Budget Commission concluded the examination of the economic manoeuvre, theChamber of the Chamber will meet again tomorrow at 9.00 for the first reading discussion of the State budget for the financial year 2021 and the multi-year budget for the three-year period 2021-2023, the so-called economic maneuver.
House Committees
As regards the Commissions, the Constitutional affairs, with the Justicewill examine the Community Act on the situation of the rule of law in the European Union. There Justice it will hold several hearings on the pdl for access to the legal profession and, with Finance, it will discuss the Communication of the European Commission on an action plan for an integrated policy on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing. The commissions Foreign, with the EU policies, will listen to the Government's communications on the results of the European Council of 10 and 11 December 2020. The cycle of hearings of the fact-finding investigation relating to Italy's foreign policy for peace and stability in the Mediterranean will continue. There Finances will examine the communication from the European Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council and the Council "Towards a more efficient and democratic decision-making in EU tax policy". There Culture it will examine, in the restricted committee, the legislative proposals for the recruitment and legal status of university researchers and research institutions, as well as doctorates and research grants. With the Work hearings will continue on the draft legislative decree for the reorganization and reform of the provisions concerning professional and amateur sports bodies as well as sports work.
There Transportation will examine the draft program contract between MIT, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane and the Euralpin Lyon-Turin Tunnel (TELT), for the financing, design and construction of the cross-border section of the common part of the new railway line. He will discuss the nomination proposals of doctor Daniele Rossi as president of the port system Authority of the central-northern Adriatic Sea and that of doctor Mario Sommariva as president of the port system Authority of the eastern Ligurian Sea. He will then examine the pdl on the regulation of pleasure or sports flying, the proposals on territorial continuity with Sardinia and the resolution on the fees for airport concessions. Finally he will listen to Professor Sergio Prete in the context of the examination of the proposal for appointment as president of the Port System Authority of the Ionian Sea. There Productive activities will listen to the managing director of Invitalia Dominic Arcuri with regard to the industrial prospects of the former Ilva iron and steel plants, he will examine the draft ministerial decree on the methods and criteria for an informed entry of end customers into the energy market and the draft legislative decree on measures aimed at guaranteeing the security of gas supply. He will discuss the outline of the ministerial decree on the access requirements, conditions, criteria and methods of the interventions of the Dedicated Heritage with the Finance Department.
There Work will examine the pdl on the provisions on work, employment and increased productivity and the resolutions on social protection systems for workers. There Agriculture discussions will continue on the draft legislative decree for the production and marketing of propagating material and fruit plants and vegetables, the draft legislative decree for the protection of plants from harmful organisms, the draft legislative decree for the production for marketing and marketing of seed products and the draft legislative decree for the production and marketing of propagating material for vines.
Gualtieri is satisfied with the work of the Budget Commission on the manoeuvre
Parliament obtained an "excellent result in a few days" on the Maneuver with an "extraordinary work showing unity and a great sense of responsibility in a very delicate and difficult passage. There are many improvements made to the Maneuver, which reinforce its inspiration and orientation towards growth" and "fairness": so on Fb the Minister of Economy Robert Gualtieri, underlining that "we saw the constructive contribution of a cohesive majority and a fruitful dialogue with the opposition", a "unitary spirit to be maintained also for the launch of the Recovery plans”. In the post, the Minister thanks the President of the Budget Commission Fabio Melilli (PD), the rapporteurs Marialuisa Faro (M5S) and Stephen Fassina (LeU), the group leaders and parliamentarians of all sides, the deputy ministers Laura Castelli And Antonio Misiani, the minister Federico D'Incà, the undersecretary Stephanie Malpezzi, and all the Offices for having worked tirelessly to achieve this excellent result. The pandemic, he recalls, “has led to a delay in the presentation of the budget law, and Parliament has done an amazing job.' Among the innovations, Gualtieri mentions “the resources for the implementation of the anticovid vaccination plan: 650 million to hire 3,000 doctors and 12,000 nurses to carry out the largest vaccination campaign of all time, in which resident doctors will also be able to participate from the first year ".
Then there are the measures for the self-employed such as theIscro, "that is an extraordinary allowance for income and operational continuity: a decisive step forward to give more protection to those who have never had them and to which is added, thanks to the initial allocation of one billion euros in 2021, the exemption from payment of social security contributions for VAT numbers and professionals, with the exclusion of the highest income earners, who suffered losses. To support those who lose their jobs, the 500 million from the fund set up in the Budget Law are intended for the immediate implementation of the relocation for the redundant workers due to cessation of activity and for workers in naspi for more than 4 months, to pay for job orientation and training services. It is also envisaged to start a process of sharing with the Regions to improve the functioning and quality of active policies. To facilitate the recovery of automotive market and continue to renew the circulating car fleet with less polluting and safer cars, the incentives already provided for in the Relaunch and August decrees are being refinanced. The super bonus of 110% for the recovery of our building heritage, for more sustainable and safe homes, is extended until December 31, 2022, improved and simplified and extended to lifts for the abatement of architectural barriers. A substantial package of measures to support the tourism sector, seriously damaged by the covid crisis, including the exemption of the first IMU installment and the extension of the rental tax credit. These are just some of the numerous positive interventions (I am thinking of those on rents, on the Zes, on sport and many others) which strengthen the line of Budget Law. A great demonstration of responsibility on the part of Parliament”.
Conte convenes a summit on Recovery but the new strategy fails
Immediately the comparison on Recovery Plan, then the actual verification: the premier Joseph Conte attempts to dissect the government's problems by accepting the pressure of the Pd on the development of the Recovery and Resilience Plan and trying to "cage" Italy alive in a new face to face. The Premier will see the representatives of the M5S and the Democratic Party today and those of Italia Viva and Leu on Tuesday. But the attempt by Palazzo Chigi to get out of the cul de sac, at least for now, shipwrecked: “Nobody called us. If the change of method we were asking for is that we have to learn about meetings from Casalino's text messages, they did not understand what they are risking ”, is the closure of Renzi sources. And the road to keeping Conte 2 alive seems even narrower; after all, yesterday started with a new ultimatum of iv. “We need to build a majority trust relationship that no longer exists today. Conte has wasted the trust he had ”, he attacks Hector Rosato, triggering the wrath of allies. “Rosato speaks on behalf of Italia Viva, which represents the 2% of Italians. We speak for the Democratic Party ”, is the reply of the deputy group leader Dem in the Chamber Michele Bordo, who reaffirms the line of the Nazarene: "Right now we don't need a crisis but a legislative pact that allows government action to be relaunched". Leu also rejects Rosato's ultimatum to the sender, while the head of delegation is in the M5S Alfonso Bonafede reiterates the trench of the pentastellati in defense of Conte and attacks: "The usefulness of this daily bombardment is incomprehensible and it is hallucinating to air a government crisis while the Italians prepare for a Christmas of sacrifices". Louis DiMaio it is clear: “Now it is crazy to question Conte”.
The prime minister tries to get out of the impasse by immediately starting meetings with the individual forces on Recovery and thus responding to the forcing of the Democratic Party, which over the weekend is enriched by two important names, Robert Gualtieri And Enzo Amendola. "One thing is certain", the "complex work" on Recovery "must not stop, but rather it must accelerate", explains the owner of the Mef. “We have been at a standstill in the Council of Ministers since 7 December for a political verification of which there is still no way out. My party with the secretary Nicola Zingaretti he clearly said that this impasse is harmful for us”, insists the minister for EU affairs. Changing the resource scheme envisaged in the Recovery and Resilience Plan is not easy: the 9 billion allocated to Healthcare, for example, must be increased if Conte really wants to get out of the pincers M5S-Pd-Iv on the Sanitary mes. In reality, Conte seems ready to open substantially on the plan and on the task force: la control room there will be but his powers will be reduced, the control of Parliament will be more widespread, and perhaps even the fencing of the 6 top managers will change. But it's not enough for Iv, indeed, the feeling is that not even a substantial reshuffle, on which Conte could also give in, enough for Renzi while in the M5S it is reiterated that "there is no availability". However, it is not certain that a reshuffle will come: the premier's path is getting narrower by the hour and Iv, with a certain realism, is convinced that there will never be a vote in Italy oppressed by Covid. The hypothesis Mario Draghi continues to circulate insistently.