Parliamentary Day on 19 January 2021
Premier Giuseppe Conte gains confidence in the Chamber
The Giallorossi executive collects the trust on the communications of the Prime Minister called to report on the government crisis. The result, not obvious, sees 321 votes in favor (6 votes over the absolute majority set at 315), 259 against, 27 abstentions; this last figure is interesting: the group of Italy alive it has 29 deputies, therefore 2 are missing from the roll call, that of Michela Rostan and Vito De Filippo. In government aid the former 5-stars of the Misto group not registered in any component arrive and there are 7 of them: Piera Aiello, Nadia Aprile, Silvia Benedetti, Alessandra Ermellino, Lorenzo Fioramonti, Carmelo Lo Monte and Raffaele Trano. To make noise the yes to the trust of Renata Polverini, deputy for Fi, a decision that heralds her exit from the blue group, already widely announced due to the criticisms advanced against the sovereignist wing of the party of Silvio Berlusconi. Conte's closest collaborators hope that the result will turn into a driving force for today's vote in the Senate, where the numbers are still far from an absolute majority. Conte's speech, which lasted almost an hour, was interrupted by 14 applause, all coming from the sectors of PD, M5S And Leu; the most important is the one that the dem rose from the benches when the premier mentioned Joe Biden, during his reply, announcing a long telephone call and confirming that this government looks "with great hope" to the new presidency and that "the agenda of the new administration is our agenda". A pipe of peace for the Nazarene who had not appreciated the non-condemnation of Donald Trump after the Capitol Hill events.
In short, Conte's words convince the allies so much that the same Andrew Orlando, deputy secretary of the Democratic Party, makes him advance in rank: "It is no longer a point of balance but the reference of a pro-European and anti-sovereign coalition". The Premier with his usual style brings the legislature agreement, themes and dossiers that must be tackled quickly and compactly. Conte seemed clear in saying that he will strengthen the government team, words that seem to send the hypothesis of a Conte ter to the attic, giving way to a reshuffle, certainly less painful. In his speech then, he recalls the responsibility and does not fear criticism for that "whoever has a heart, help us", invoking the support of the willing, but effectively closing the door to Matthew Renzi. The Tuscan senator is never mentioned by the prime minister, perhaps he could do so today in Palazzo Madama when he will most likely propose a different speech, cut due to the emergency of the situation. From Pd a unanimous chorus rises in support of the premier starting from the group leader Graziano Delrio; critical, but without missing the support, Andrea Colletti (M5S): "Few in the government are saved, one is you, President Conte and then Minister Di Maio, however the government team lacks quality". The crisis is not only Renzi's fault, but also in the ideal drive of 5 star movement which is no longer there and I hope it will be recovered. Today I will vote in favor of trust only out of respect for those who work against the pandemic". Obviously, the exponents of the are not rallying around the Prime Minister centre-right; very hard Giorgia Meloni: “Avvocato Conte, this morning I was ashamed for you, and not only for that help us but for the commercialization you staged in this courtroom. You fly high with Mastella Airlines”.
The numbers are not there yet. Everything is played out in the Conte Senate
The House Trust is a good starting point but for Joseph Conte, from the vote in the Senate onwards, the road will be all uphill, a slalom in the course of which the head of government will have to deal with the ill-concealed fears of the majority on the return to the polls and with a reshuffle which could also include the perhaps least appreciated option at Palazzo Chigi, that of going up to Colle as a resigner to create a Conte-ter. There is a fact to keep in mind: if the Prime Minister will rise to the Quirinal to resign and ask for time and space to seek a majority, the head of state could do nothing but start the consultations and, having verified the availability of the political forces, then give him an exploratory assignment.
The prime minister lives with prudence the hours in which his fate is decided. The numbers of Senate They can't help but worry about it and aim to make it irrelevant Italy alive appears, for now, little less than a utopia. In the premier's strategy, in fact, the maximum goal, a Madame Palace, would be to collect a gap, between the yes to trust and the votes of the opposition, greater than 18 votes, or the number of senators of Iv. But in the game of mirrors between centrists and Renzians on keeping the stakes very high, it could be the prime minister himself who pays the price. At the moment the situation is still in the balance and the majority seems to be able to count on 155-156 votes, numbers which in themselves would be enough to keep the Government afloat at least in this phase but which would not ensure full-blown solidity. Parliamentary sources speak of a possible abstention of Riccardo Nencini while Thomas Cerno, Gregorio de Falco, And Mario Giarrusso they would be ready to grant the trust. In addition, the votes of the three senators for life will also arrive Mario Monti, Elena Cattaneo And Liliana Segre; in the centre-right, Forza Italia, the UDC and the former pentastelalti are closely watched, and there is more than a doubt about their loyalty to the coalition.
The centre-right resists solidly, but the Polverini case shakes Fi
Conte's is a minority government, the House vote proves it and the Senate will prove it today. After Sunday's summit, the leaders of the centre-right met away last night Zoom to comment on Montecitorio's go-ahead for the Conte bis trust and sum up a day entirely tied to numbers and marked by chance Renata Polverini broke out in the evening in Forza Italia. Satisfied with the substantial stability of the centre-right, Matthew Salvini, Giorgia Meloni And Antonio Tajani, together with the representatives of the small coalition, would have agreed that without Iv and with the contribution of any responsible Conte remains weak and inadequate to deal with the pandemic and economic emergency facing the country: "The vote in the Chamber of Deputies demonstrates that the majority does not have the numbers and the solidity necessary to face the challenges that await Italy", reads a joint note disseminated at the end of the summit, where Polverini's defection is expressly mentioned as an isolated case. "Despite the offers and flattery of the Government and its emissaries, the deputies of the center-right have maintained a compact attitude apart from one, predictable, exit from the coalition".
In short, in the end the center-right holds and he breathes a sigh of relief, because it could have been worse. There are those who, in fact, also bet on the dissent of Renato Brunetta, Mara Carfagna and another handful of deputies from the so-called moderate and anti-sovereign area who in the end remained aligned, despite the suffocating courtship of Palazzo Chigi and his emissaries. The center-right has given an image of compactness these days, would have been the Cav's comment this morning in connection with Provence. Also for Matthew Salvini, scoresheet in hand, would not have gone badly for the coalition. However, the bitterness remains within Fi for the tear consumed by Polverini, which would have taken everyone by surprise, not only the Azzurri top management, but also the allies. The intolerance of the former president of the Lazio region had been known for some time, and by now he was no longer hiding his malaise towards the line of the blue party, but no one thought he would vote his confidence in Conte: "We expected an abstention from Polverini, which voted, but not that he even voted for trust”', confides a big blue. Hence the wrath of Antonio Tajani, who at last night's meeting reiterated what he said to the press a little earlier: '"Polverini is out of the party, he hadn't said anything to me".
The Senate Hall
L'Senate assembly will return to meet at 9.30 for Communications from the President of the Council of Ministers Giuseppe Conte. At the moment there are two breaks with the premier's reply around 17.30 and the first call around 19.30. The final outcome of the vote is scheduled for 20.30.
The Senate Committees
As regards the Commissions, the Justice it will examine the bill on the introduction of the crime of nautical homicide and that of nautical personal injury, the bill for the establishment and functioning of the advocacy arbitration chambers and the bill delegating the Government for the efficiency of the civil trial. There Public Works will listen to the lawyer Andrea Annunziata in the context of his proposal for appointment as President of the Authority of the port system of the central Tyrrhenian Sea. There Agriculture he will discuss the bill for the regulation of the professions in the dog sector, the bill for the promotion of the cultivation and agro-industrial chain of hemp, the bill for the limitation on the below-cost selling of agricultural products and the ban on double-reduction auctions. There Industry will listen to the representatives of Legambiente, Greenpeace, WWF and Federconsumatori in the context of the deal assigned on rationalisation, transparency and cost structure of the electricity market and effects on the bill for users.
The House Chamber
In today's day theChamber of the Chamber it will not gather. The Assembly will meet again tomorrow at 9.30 to examine the decree to deal with the health risks associated with the spread of the COVID-19 virus and of Report to Parliament on the budget slippage in view of the launch of the next one refreshment decree.
House Committees
As regards the Commissions, the Justice, with the Foreign, will discuss the PDL for the ratification of the Council of Europe Convention against trafficking in human organs. The Commission Foreign will listen to the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Italy Murat Salim Esenli on the priorities of the Italian presidency of the G20. There Culture it will hold hearings on the draft legislative decree on safety in winter sports and some on the draft legislative decree for the simplification of obligations relating to sports bodies. With the Environmentthe discussion and the cycle of hearings will continue on the draft legislative decree on the reorganization and reform of the safety regulations for the construction and operation of sports facilities and on the legislation on the modernization or construction of sports facilities.
There Environment will examine the outline of the business plan of the company Italy Air Transport and with the Transportation the discussion on the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers for the identification of infrastructural interventions will continue. There Transportation, With the'Productive activities, will examine the draft decree of the President of the Republic on the establishment and functioning of the public register of contractors who oppose the use of their personal data and telephone number for sales or commercial promotions. Following will listen to the President of Italy Air Transport Spaengineer Francesco Caio and Chief Executive Officer Fabio Lazzerini during the examination of the company's business plan outline.