Parliamentary Day on 17 December 2020
Green light to the anti-Covid vaccine plan, we start already after Christmas
In Italy it will not only be a Christmas under Covid, but also the one in which the vaccination campaign most impressive in history. The plan in which hope is placed to loosen the grip of the coronavirus is ready: before the last of the year and at the same time as the other EU countries there will be the first limited batteries of vaccinations for symbolic categories such as health care. Something like the V Day desired by the president of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen: “It would be nice to have a single date for European countries. I hope it can be done in early January ”, says the premier Joseph Conte“but to have an impact on the population it is necessary to reach” a sufficient percentage of vaccinated people, “10-15 million, and we expect to have them in late spring”. It will start in January mass vaccination real. To begin with, over 1.8 million doses will be delivered by Pfizeron a day yet to be established, after the authorization of theEuropean Medicines Agency (Ema) and then of the Italian one, theAifa, expected next week, in record time. The vaccination plan presented by the Commissioner Dominic Arcuri was approved by State-Regions Conference and the first batches of doses were assigned to the latter, first la Lombardy epicenter of the pandemic in Italy with almost 305,000 vials. Arcuri will send the Regions an instruction booklet for the vaccine and all the indications for the administration procedure.
But there are already controversies: the Campania of Vincent DeLuca complains that the initial quota is too small (135,890 doses) for a population of almost 6 million inhabitants. In the first delivery, Pfizer will send 1,833,975 doses of vaccine, with which they will be vaccinated healthcare workers and social health, public and private, as well as guests and staff of residences for the elderly; in the second, a few weeks later, over two and a half million: there will be a booster for the first vaccinated and doses will begin to be administered to more fragile categories. For mass vaccination, the emergency commissioner is looking for 3,000 doctors and 12,000 nurses; Applications can be sent from yesterday. Eight out of 10 Italians are ready to get vaccinated, according to a Demopolis poll for Rai Radio 1: the 40% as soon as possible, the 44% at a later time; only the 16% is not going to do that. To reach at least 70-80% of the population and theherd immunity an information campaign on the safe, non-mandatory and free vaccine will be important, given that even among the health personnel there is a share of distrustful or refractory.
The Government is ready to put Italy in the red zone from the eve to 3 January
The Government has now decided: to avoid the risk of gatherings and a new surge in the contagion curve, the only way is to give another turn of the screw to the containment measures. On this point there is a substantial sharing on the part of Ministers, Regions and political forces, who on a day full of river-summits deliver as a hypothesis the high-risk closure on holidays and days before holidays from December 24th to January 3rd. Giuseppe Conte clarifies that “We met to reinforce the Christmas plan. The experts have advised us on a few additional measures and we must avoid a third wave”. The decision is not yet definitive, the confrontation with Italia Viva is still missing, whose head of delegation, Teresa Bellanova, was involved in an important summit in Brussels for Made in Italy; if Matteo Renzi's party also gives its go-ahead, the car will be set in motion, most likely with a new Dpcm, but other avenues are not excluded, such as a amendment to the Christmas decree or even an oordinance of the Minister of Health.
Several regional presidents also tuned in on the penalty line, Luca Zaia in the lead, but to support the governor of Veneto are also Lazio di Nicola Zingaretti, Friuli Venezia Giulia of Massimiliano Fedriga, Molise and the Marches. The applause also comes from the Government, in particular from the Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia and from that of Health Robert Hope. The term of comparison is Germany, where the chancellor Angela Merkel approved the lockdown during the holiday season to keep the population safe and avoid further closures in January, when the rhythms of production would risk suffering a dangerous stop due to the Coronavirus, just when vaccination campaigns will begin throughout Europe. His reflection has also made inroads in our country, especially in the executive rooms. The new tightening will come by the end of this week, most likely, after the end of the round of meetings with local authorities and political forces.
This evening Conte will meet Renzi to try to avert the crisis
The crisis must be avoided, but the problems remain. The government verification does not dissolve doubts about the future of Joseph Conte, after the strong fibrillations of the last few days. The premier's face-to-face meetings with the forces of the majority have (until now) had the desired effect: now the last, and probably the most important, one that can confirm or reverse the situation is missing: the meeting between the premier and Matthew Renzi, which will take place tonight at 18.00. "We will discuss and see if there are the conditions to start again more cohesive than before", admits Conte, who reiterates the concept: "Iv is a travel companion, it is essential but we must address the issues on the merits", because "a government cannot it can go on without the trust of each majority political force. If it weren't there, we know what the consequences would be." But he warns: "It would be a serious irresponsibility to stop for a lack of internal confrontation". Therefore, full openness to the requests of Italy alive, also on the reshuffle: "If there are political petitions, they must be addressed". The reverse of the Prime Minister on control room who will have to deal with Recovery plans it is another demonstration that everyone understands the importance of taking a step back and giving up one's goals: “If there are alternative proposals, they are welcome”, the head of the executive tones down.
The Mes agitates the majority. Compact Pd, Leu and IV, the M5S remains on the barricades
But reducing the risk of a crisis in the dark doesn't mean that i internal problems of the majority are resolved magically. The deep division remains on some issues, such as the month. The positions of the various players in the coalition have never changed, and the words of the deputy secretary of the Democratic Party prove it Andrew Orlando: “I believe that all of Europe will need all the resources, and this too will be used, but perhaps a further change will be needed”. Phrases that will be echoed in the ears of the allies Five stars like a cannon shot; in fact, the pentastellati hoped to have been clear on the point: "As long as we are in government, Italy will not ask for it", he repeated like a mantra Louis DiMaio on every occasion, public and private. And Conte did the same, reiterating that those 37 billion are of no use to our country, which can already count on the resources of the Recovery Fund. But in this match the centre-left it is compact: in addition to the dem, too Robert Hope has always said that any money for health care is welcome.
While even more direct are the exponents of Iv: “Is there a limit to lies? For months now the prime minister and the M5S have been carrying on their ideological battle to deprive our country of the money from the Mes, which is already ready and available ", bites the deputy Luciano Nobili. The reasoning, however, does not penetrate the heart of the pentastellati, who resist: "We must not be ideological, for me the Mes is not necessary for our country at the moment", try to close the matter Robert Fig; the Speaker of the Chamber uses Europe as a point of comparison: "There is no country that has accessed the Mechanism, also looking at how the auctions of our securities are going". The position is corroborated by the Minister for Relations with Parliament Federico D'Incà: “We have two priorities: to run the country through the Recovery plan and, from January, to put into practice a great vaccination plan to get out of the pandemic”. Words that fit perfectly with the thought of the Minister for EU Affairs Enzo Amendola: "I doubt that there are alternative majorities that can be created on the Mes in Parliament". The challenge remains open, leaving the majority on the grill for the umpteenth time.
The Senate Hall
L'Senate assembly will meet again at 9.30 to examine the preliminary question on the so-called security decree passed last week by the House; later, but not before the afternoon, discussions on the same measure will take place.
The Senate Committees
As regards the Commissions, the Constitutional affairs, in meeting with the Justice, will conclude the examination of the decree on immigration, international and complementary protection, as well as measures on the subject of prohibition of access to public establishments and places of public detention, to contrast the distorted use of the web and to regulate the national Guarantor of the rights of persons deprived of their personal liberty. There Justice it will examine the bill on the suspension of the terms relating to obligations to be paid by the freelancer in the event of illness or accident. There Defence the cycle of hearings on the assigned deal relating to the profiles of cyber security pertaining to national defense will continue. There Instruction, in meeting with the Work, will listen to the representatives of the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) on the draft legislative decree on the reorganization and reform of the safety regulations for the construction and operation of sports facilities and on the legislation on the modernization or construction of sports facilities . There Healthcare discussions will continue on the decree, already approved by the Chamber, for the relaunch of the health service of the Calabria region and for the renewal of the elected bodies of the Regions with ordinary statute.
The House Chamber
L'Hall of the Chamber will meet again on Thursday at 15.30 for the examination on the decree for the protection of health and economic support measures related to the COVID emergency, the so-called refreshment decree, which also includes the subsequent bis, ter and quater decrees which have merged into the provision through amendments by the Government.
House Committees
As regards the Commissions, the Justice it will hold several hearings on the pdl for access to the legal profession and some on the pdl relating to the illicit production, trafficking and possession of narcotic or psychotropic substances in minor cases. The commissions Foreign, with the EU policies, will listen to the German Ambassador in Italy HE Viktor Elbling on the results of the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union. In today's day the Budget Commission it will not meet to examine the budget law. There Finances, with the Productive activities, will compare and conclude the examination on the relaunch decree. There Culture will examine the bills for the abolition of the ban on simultaneous enrollment in several universities or university study courses. There Transportation the cycle of hearings will continue on the pdl for the modification of the Highway Code and some on the program contract scheme between MIT, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane and the Euralpin Lyon-Turin Tunnel (TELT), for the financing, design and construction of the section cross-border of the common part of the new railway line. With the Productive activities it will discuss the draft decree of the President of the Council of Ministers for the identification of strategically important assets in the energy, transport and communications sectors.
There Productive activities it will examine the draft legislative decree for the adaptation of national legislation to the European provisions on measures to guarantee the security of gas supply. There Work will listen to the representatives of CUB and SGB in the context of the examination of the bill on early retirement for workers in construction and related companies, and those of Assocontact in the context of the discussion of the resolution on the application of the legislation on the matter of fixed-term contracts introduced by the so-called dignity decree. There Social Affairs will listen to the representatives of the Conference of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano in the context of the examination of the enabling law to the Government for the support and enhancement of the family and will examine the resolutions to counter the social repercussions of the epidemiological emergency . There Agriculturehe will continue the hearings on the pdl on the subject of horse farming, he will examine the draft ministerial decree for the allocation of the Mipaaf allocation for the year 2020, relating to contributions to bodies, institutes, associations, foundations and other bodies, and the pdl to favor restoration, recovery, maintenance and protection of chestnut groves. Finally, the EU policies will examine the European delegation law.