Il Recovery in Cdm ma il Governo è sull’orlo della crisi
The Recovery plans is saved in the Council of Ministers, then Teresa Bellanova and Elena Bonetti they open the Government crisis with their resignations: the fact does not exist yet, but the scenario of the rupture, which begins to circulate late yesterday morning, is this. They are the same moments in which Joseph Conte announces to Tg3 l’approvazione del Piano di rilancio e resilienza nel Cdm di questa sera: “Dobbiamo correre, lavoriamo per costruire”, dice smantellando l’accusa renziana d’immobilismo. Rischia di non bastare: Matthew Renzi raises the request to take the month e continua a lamentare l’assenza di risposte da parte del premier. Se le ministre davvero si dimetteranno, la sfida con Conte potrebbe spostarsi in Parliament: il premier ha sempre detto che in caso di crisi andrà a verificare alle Camere se ha una maggioranza e non sembra aver cambiato idea. L’offerta sul tavolo per la redial is still that of a legislature agreement, as strongly requested by the Democratic Party, and a substantial reshuffle. However, Iv asks for a "discontinuity" in the merits and in the method that should pass from the resignation of the prime minister to give life to a Count ter, a request so far rejected to the sender by the head of government. In the evening Goffredo Bettini, che continua a tenere aperto un canale tra Renzi e Conte, dice di più e mentre ritiene poco praticabile l’ipotesi di sostegno a Conte di una parte di “responsabili”, definisce “non un’eresia” ragionare di un coinvolgimento di una parte di Come on Italy. Possible? So far the Azzurri have excluded him but if the crisis were to break out, a lot would depend on the moves of the Democratic Party, they observe from the centre-right. We are not at that point yet; the Dems work for that verify which they themselves have been calling for for months.
L’unica certezza sembra essere per ora l’approvazione del Recovery plans in cdm e l’invio del piano alle Camere. Il passaggio è frutto della moral suasion del Quirinal: la posta in gioco è troppo alta per metterla a rischio nell’ambito di una government verification. The minister worked hard on the text Robert Gualtieri with colleagues Enzo Amendola And Pepe Provenzano. “The draft isn't there yet, I'm fed up”, she blurts out in the afternoon Teresa Bellanova. Ma i renziani sminano il passaggio del Recovery: aspettano di leggere il testo e saranno in Cdm senza ostacolarne l’approvazione, spiega Hector Rosato, which means an explicit yes or an abstention. After all, the CDM could limit itself to discussing and acquiring the text without a formal vote. In the Road map drawn by Joseph Conte in line with the Democratic Party, at which point the Recovery would go to the Chambers per un’approvazione rapida (una settimana o forse due). E si aprirebbe il tavolo per il programma di legislatura. Questo schema potrebbe essere però rotto dalle resignation of Renzian ministers, because, as Renzi says, not all the answers can be contained in the Recovery, but the vision must be clear there, from month to infrastructure, to justice. And so far, observe from Iv, no response has come.
Teresa Bellanova makes it a matter of institutional correctness of the prime minister. And he explains that she is ready to leave without answers on the legislature program, as well as on the Recovery. If this happened after the Council of Ministers, according to some Conte could rise to Quirinal and then open an extreme attempt to give life to a Count ter. Different hypotheses continue to arise, from an undersecretary to the presidency of the council for the Pd to two ministries of weight for Maria Elena Boschi and Hector Rosato. Renzi rules out his joining the team, but we talk about that too, provided that a communication channel can be established. If, as it seems in the last few hours, there will remain an abyss between the prime minister and the Renzians, the most probable scenario appears to be that of challenge in the classroom: the spectrum is still that of early vote, anche se Renzi invia ai suoi deputati una proiezione secondo cui al Pd non converrebbe, perché’ tutti i collegi andrebbero al centrodestra. La scommessa dei renziani, se i responsabili o un pezzo di Fi non arriveranno a sostenere Conte, è un governo a guida Pd o le larghe intese, con Cartabia o Draghi premier. Ma a quel punto tutto dipenderebbe non solo dai Dem ma anche dai Five stars, for which Conte now seems to be the only point of equilibrium.
In the Senate
L'Senate assembly will meet again at 16.30 to examine some of them proposals for the ratification of international treaties; nello specifico si confronterà sul ddl di ratifica ed esecuzione della Convenzione dell’Organizzazione internazionale del lavoro per l’eliminazione della violenza e delle molestie sul luogo di lavoro adottata a Ginevra il 21 giugno 2019 nel corso della 108ª sessione della Conferenza generale, sulla ratifica ed esecuzione dello scambio di note di modifica della Convenzione del 19 marzo 1986 per la pesca nelle acque italo-svizzere e sulla ratifica del Protocollo per la modifica della Convenzione per la salvaguardia dei diritti dell’uomo e delle libertà fondamentali.
The Senate Committees
As regards the Commissions, the Constitutional affairs will hold several hearings as part of the discussion on the establishment of a commission of inquiry into the dissemination of false information and some on the constitutional pdl on the constraint for the legislator following an abrogative referendum, and will discuss the bill for the establishment of the national day of COVID-19 victims. There Justice will examine the bill on the honorary judiciary. There Defence will listen to ENEL representatives on the assigned deal relating to cyber security profiles pertaining to national defense and at 14.00, with the respective Chamber, will listen to the Minister of Economic Development Stephen Patuanelli nell’ambito dell’esame del Documento programmatico pluriennale per la Difesa per il triennio 2020-2022. La Instruction, in meeting with the Work, will hold several hearings on the draft legislative decree for the reorganization and reform of the provisions on the subject of professional and amateur sports bodies as well as sports work. There Public Works si confronterà poi sullo schema di decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri per l’individuazione degli interventi infrastrutturali e sullo schema di piano industriale della società.
There Agriculture will listen to the Head of the Department of European International Policies and Rural Development of the MIPAAF on the assigned deal relating to the problems connected to the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP); it will then examine the bill on snail farming, the bill for the production and definition of high quality Italian artisan ice cream, the bill on the trade of snails and the one on the regulation of the horticultural sector. Subsequently, he will discuss the bill for the promotion of hemp cultivation and the agro-industrial chain, the bill on organic farming and the bill for the limitation of the below-cost sale of agricultural products and the ban on double-reduction auctions. There Worksvolgerà diverse audizioni sulla proposta di direttiva del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio relativa a salari minimi adeguati nell’Unione europea e si confronterà sul ddl per l’assegno unico e universale. Healthcare will continue the cycle of hearings on the subject of anti-Covid-19 vaccines and will examine the bill on family nurses. There Territory tomorrow at 10.00 he will listen to the Minister of the environment and the protection of the territory and the sea Sergio Costa on the Italian initiative connected to the organization of the next COP26 and the COP Giovani as well as on the effectiveness of the network Green helmets. Subsequently, he will discuss the framework Community act for the achievement of climate neutrality and the bill for urban regeneration.
To the Chamber
L'Chamber of the Chamber will return to meet at 11.00 for the performance of the interpellations and interrogations. He will then vote on the preliminary questions on decree to deal with the health risks associated with the spread of the COVID-19 virus It is on deadline extension decree. He will then discuss the motions for the care and support of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the motion for an extensive program of investments and measures in the health sector in relazione all’emergenza da COVID-19, e le mozioni sul ruolo del Ministero dell’economia e delle finanze nell’ambito del sale process of the Borsa Italiana company.
House Committees
There Constitutional affairs with the Balance, will examine the decree extension of terms. There Justice will hold several hearings on the pdl for access to the legal profession. The commissions Foreign proseguirà il ciclo di audizioni dell’indagine conoscitiva relativa alla politica estera dell’Italia per la pace e la stabilità nel Mediterraneo. La Finances will examine the corrective decree to the budget law approved on 30 December 2020. The Culture, with the Work, hearings will continue on the draft legislative decree for the reorganization and reform of the provisions concerning professional and amateur sports bodies as well as sports work, while with theEnvironment proseguirà il ciclo di audizioni sullo schema di decreto legislativo in materia di riordino e riforma delle norme di sicurezza per la costruzione e l’esercizio degli impianti sportivi e di normativa sull’ammodernamento o costruzione d’impianti sportivi. La Transportation svolgerà audizioni sullo stato del trasporto pubblico locale con riferimento all’emergenza sanitaria. La Productive activities, in meeting with Social Affairs, will examine the decree to deal with the health risks associated with the spread of the COVID-19 virus. There Work will examine the pdl on the provisions on work, employment and increased productivity. There Agriculture proseguirà il confronto sulla pdl per la tutela e la valorizzazione dell’agricoltura contadina.