Rome 28.10.10: – “Yesterday's news was the decision taken by the XII Health Commission of the Senate, relating to the use of the Gasparri/Tomassini bill 863, as the basic text for the reorganization of the pharmaceutical system”. Scilipoti (IDV), during the meeting, at P.zo Marini, with the National Board of Parapharmacies. “This is a very serious choice, because it goes against the indications of the anti-trust and the positions of all the consumer trade associations and the representatives of the Parapharmacies. In this way – continues the Hon. Scilipoti (IdV) – all those positive effects of the liberalization of some medicines required by Law 248/2006 (Bersani Decree) which allowed businesses other than affiliated pharmacies to sell medicines without the obligation of a doctor's prescription would be cancelled, creating healthy market competition and undermining, albeit minimally, the monopoly which has always been held by pharmacies, forced, for this reason, to reduce the price of some medicines. In defense of parapharmacies, I also express my regret - concludes Scilipoti (IDV) - for the negative response received from the secretariat of the President Sen. Tomassini, relating to a request for a hearing of some representatives of the category. Hoping that this refusal is not related to reasons policies which have been blocking the Italian pharmaceutical system for decades, the national board of parapharmacies is ready to collaborate with the institutions to support their proposal to revise the system with the birth of the "Non-Agreement Pharmacy".
Angelica White
Press Office Hon. Domenico Scilipoti
TEL.: 06 67604225
Fax: 06 67608346