Nicola Magrini new Director of the Quality and Clinical Governance unit of the Romagna Ausl

The first interventions will almost certainly be dedicated to reducing the cost of pharmaceutical expenditure

Nicola Magrini introduces himself, the new Director of the Quality and Clinical Governance unit of the Romagna Ausl

ravennawebtv – 27 marzo 2023

Officially presented to the press Nicola Magrini, new director of the Quality and Clinical Governance Unit of the Romagna Ausl, whose appointment in recent weeks had been at the center of controversy, especially from the center-right and the Brothers of Italy.

Former director of the Italian Medicines Agency, founding member of the Italian Cochrane Center, a network that studies the effects of health interventions, former director of the WHO Collaborative Center, Magrini's first objective will be to reduce health care costs in Romagna.

The first interventions will almost certainly be dedicated to reducing the cost of pharmaceutical expenditure. As for the controversies, it was the director of the health company Tiziano Carradori himself who extinguished them in the press conference: Magrini's curriculum cannot be criticized and the salaries of managers are regulated by national regulations. 

Note: L’incarico a Magrini avrà una durata quinquennale. Un incarico da 146.031,67 euro all’anno – per una cifra complessiva superiore ai 730.000 euro – che aveva fatto scattare le critiche già alla fine di gennaio, con polemiche arrivate soprattutto dalla Lega. Luca Bartolini, Forlì coordinator of Fratelli d'Italia: “And then they say there are no resources.”

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