“Doctor, is it true that?”, the FNOMCeO website, improves health literacy
Può un sito web aiutare a migliorare l’alfabetizzazione sanitaria, la capacità, cioè, di scegliere le fonti, trovare, comprendere e utilizzare…
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Cittadinanzattiva: "No force can face the complexity of the current situation alone"
La posizione di Cittadinanzattiva sul post-voto, espressa dalla Segretaria generale Anna Lisa Mandorino in una intervista per Policy and Procurement…
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Conference of the Regions. Agreement on pharmaceutical PayBack guidelines.
Document of the Conference of the Regions of 14 and 28 September (Regioni.it 4377 – 05/10/2022) The Conference of the Regions of…
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Francesco Angelini unable to understand and want? Angelini Industries decisively denies: unfounded accusations
Nei giorni scorso organi di stampa avevano riferito che Francesco Angelini era stato dichiarato incapace di intendere e volere dal…
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the Nobel Prize in chemistry awarded to researchers of click chemistry and bioorthogonal chemistry, of great importance in the pharmaceutical field
The Nobel Prize for Chemistry to Carolyn R. Bertozzi, Morten Meldal and K. Barry Sharpless The prize was awarded…
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A smartphone app diagnoses a cough
Il sistema dell’azienda australiana ResApp compete coi test antigenici rapidi e ha una precisione del 92%, ad agosto è stata…
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Cattani (Farmindustria) was appointed President of the Santé Italie Club.
Marcello Cattani, President and CEO of Sanofi Italia and President of Farmindustria has been appointed President of the Santé Italie Club.…
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First floor
In Commissione alla Regione Molise la proposta di legge di istituire l’Albo degli Informatori Scientifici
Albo degli informatori scientifici del farmaco, in Molise la proposta di legge tra le prime in Italia Termoli card –…
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Dr. Solfrini, coordinator of the working group on scientific information in Emilia Romagna was struck by a serious mourning
We have learned of the disappearance of Ilva Melotti, dear mother of Dr. Valentina Solfrini, coordinator of the Emilia Romagna working group…
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List of innovative medicines: AIFA publishes the September 2022 update
L’AIFA aggiorna l’elenco dei medicinali che, a giudizio della Commissione Tecnico Scientifica (CTS), possiedono il requisito di innovatività terapeutica piena…
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