Supplements. Paolo Pelini: Presentation of a new analytical method aimed at medicinal plants
Nell’era della globalizzazione acquista sempre più importanza il ruolo centrale nei vari settori, dalla farmaceutica al settore salutistico e cosmetologico,…
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Can the butcher deliver prescription drugs on behalf of the pharmacist? The response of the Supreme Court
Cassazione Penale Sent. Sez. 6 Num. 48839 Anno 2022 Il fatto riguarda un curioso caso di consegna di farmaci ai pazienti…
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AIFA. Payback – How much the 2021 direct purchase shelf cost to pharmaceutical companies
The Medicines Agency reports that it has carried out a survey of the payments made by pharmaceutical companies on 18 January 2023,…
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Nicola Magrini: "The AIFA reform is a mistake"
Il Direttore Generale AIFA, Nicola Magrini, In una intervista alla “Stampa” di oggi commenta la recente riforma dell’Agenzia approvata dal…
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Prof. Martini on the AIFA reform. There was a lack of scientific information to the GP on the new NAO, COPD and new antidiabetic drugs
In un intervento su Quotidiano Sanità, a cui rimandiamo per la lettura integrale, il Prof. Nello Martini, ex Direttore Generale…
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ISTAT. In November pharmaceutical industrial production +6.4%
In November 2022, the seasonally adjusted industrial production index is estimated to decrease by 0.3% compared to October. In the average of…
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Fenix Pharma acquires Wave Pharma: new outlets towards oncology
Fenix rappresenta in Italia la prima società cooperativa farmaceutica: fatturato e obiettivi in crescita. La storia di Fenix Pharma comincia…
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Garattini: "prescriptive obligation by law for generics". Enrique Häusermann (Egualia): «No to prescriptive obligations for equivalents. We need to make information and culture»
In un intervento su La Stampa del 14 gennaio, Silvio Garattini, dichiarava: “Non c’è nessuna carenza, gli equivalenti sono sempre a…
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Drug shortage. Interventions by AIFA, Farmindustria and Egualia
With the article already published by Fedaiisf in recent days (link) we have addressed various aspects of the problem that is affecting not…
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News fedaiisf
Section AIISF Bergamo. Second BLSD course for whistleblowers
Si è tenuto nei giorni scorsi il secondo corso di BLSD, organizzato dalla Sez. AIISF Bergamo, per informatori scientifici. Il…
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