Historical Archive
The study, with a VAT increase +150 million NHS expenditure
Drugs: Assogenerici, false excessive incentive equivalents
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Historical Archive
Sanofi reports haemophilia risk with clopidogrel
X e Z preferite dalle Aziende per i nomi dei nuovi farmaci. Può essere difficile da pronunciare, ma le Aziende…
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Historical Archive
“We will check case by case in China”
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Historical Archive
Dow Jones Sustainability Index, Abbott first in Healthcare
Watson becomes Actavis, the third largest group in the world in the generics sector
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Historical Archive
WORLDNEWS: PHARMA 2027, evolves or disappears
Il 15.02.2013 si svolgerà a Roma la “SECONDA ASSEMBLEA NAZIONALE DEGLI ISF-RSU”. Ci incontreremo dalle ore 10,30 alle ore 15,00…
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Historical Archive
Welfare: Fonchim fund completes renewal of management mandates
Farmindustria, attivare confronto urgente su farmacie Vedi: http://www.federaisf.org/Start/HDefault.aspx?Newsid=7323
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Historical Archive
Ranbaxy collapses on Mumbai Stock Exchange after FDA import ban
Assogenerici, remunerazione omogenea per farmaci di marca ed equivalenti Con un comunicato, Assogenerici sottolinea la necessità che nella remunerazione della…
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Historical Archive
Aifa updates the operations of pharmacists in the monitoring registers [of patient prescriptions]
Nuova convenzione Passione Computer per l’anno 2013
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Historical Archive
Lorenzin, pharmaceutical industry prestige for Italy
Cagliari, arrestata infermiera: false prescrizioni di farmaci per la terapia del dolore Un’infermiera professionale è stata arrestata dai Carabinieri del…
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Historical Archive
Imminent European recipe but the Italian system needs to be adapted
Stopping the Decline (FiD) aims to halt the decline of Italian healthcare
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